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Community for : 1.8 years

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1. No stupidity or "trolling"
2. Whites only (no jews)

Owner: osomperne


reminder about why you shouldn't use duckduckgo     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 1.4 years ago (+74/-0)
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If you live in Glendale AZ, you may want to shelter in your basement just before kickoff of the niggerbowl…… The Navy Quietly Reshuffled The Super Bowl Flyover Team To All-Female Aviators     (
submitted by Steelerfish to PublicServiceAnnouncement 1.3 years ago (+38/-0)
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Or a bomb shelter if possibleā€¦ the debris could rain down over a many square mile radiusā€¦.
PSA: Reminder to keep an eye on your local synagogues for terrorist attacks by Jews.      (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 7 months ago (+29/-0)
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Jews have been radicalized

It's probably a good idea to pop their bubble and make it clear that you are not on their side and their US citizenship has been revoke. Make any crude handcrafted sign and write "free Palestine" on it and go protest in front of the synagogue.

This is our chance to inform Jews we would like them to stop draining our European countries' resources for genocides and they are not legal citizens and have no right to be here.
Terry P.S.A.     (
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to PublicServiceAnnouncement 10 months ago (+28/-0)
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Vaping is for grubs     (
submitted by UncleDoug to PublicServiceAnnouncement 1.6 years ago (+19/-0)
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Jews have been radicalized. Keep an eye on your local synagogues, they could be ready to commit a mass shooting terrorist attack on nearby goyim     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 7 months ago (+17/-0)
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Keep your kids safe, we know they're known for killing children and raping them. Keep your guns loaded in case you need to defend yourself against one of these radicalized Jews.

Here is a telegram documenting Israel's terrorist campaign in the middle east. War footage. I think they show the dead children Israelis have been and are still killing

They show the bombed churches, hospitals and schools.

UPDATE: /pol/ is shadow banning this PSA public service announcement if you post it.
A reminder that "exponential" does not mean "large" or "much" or "a lot"     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by osomperne to PublicServiceAnnouncement 2 months ago (+12/-1)
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And you're retarded if you ever thought that, just so you know.
I made a post a few years ago to test if there were jewish agents on this site where i simply posted "his name was seth rich" and i posted his picture     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PublicServiceAnnouncement 7 months ago (+9/-0)
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and it got over 300 upvotes.... that's clearly a call center type of place asking everyone if they posted that and when they said no, they celebrated that someone copied a narrative they posted....
Credit Agencies are raising everyone's credit ratings to change people's behavior. Do not be fooled. You're not "doing well" because your (((credit score))) is high.     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 2 months ago (+6/-0)
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I'm not sure what the trick is here, but I am hearing my financially retarded friends that now have 700 some credit scores talk about getting a mortgage on a house (you did not "buy" a house if you got a mortgage on it, and it is not honorable to have a mortgage (faggots)).

These aforementioned financially retarded friends with 700 some credit scores have no reason to believe they're doing well financially since they've never had a loan, never had a bank account, never had a credit card, never had a steady job and many of them only recently got their driver's license. I don't care to here nasty thoughts about these people, I'm only trying to make the case that there is no reason they'd have a high credit score.

How has your credit score magically rising changed your behavior, and what makes you think you earned it?
PSA public service announcement on possible imminent Jewish terrorist attacks     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 7 months ago (+5/-0)
Jews have been so radicalized you guys better keep an eye on your local synagogues in case any of those Jews decide to go on a mass shooting terrorist attack on the Goyim. Lock up your kids, we know they're known for raping and killing children

The terrorist state of Israel has been carrying out a genocide for decades and recently they believe they've obtained a casus belli to go full throttle with the genocide.

They're on film saying they're committing these war crimes. The Israelis were even caught using white phosphorus chemical weapons in a terrorist attack on occupied Palestine.

I have the videos but there are too many to post. Here is a telegram channel documenting Israel's terrorist attacks on children and civilians.
Remember guys, even though the libtards are helping us fight the Jews now, they're to remain outside of our ranks. Don't let them in the gate. Just combine energies to fight the Jew     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 5 months ago (+5/-0)
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Now is the perfect time for China to attack Taiwan. Then the USA can kick off its civil war while the Jews are wasting the US's military effort elsewhere     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 6 months ago (+5/-2)
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(((USA))) will win zero of those wars.

Carrier Strike Group 1 led by the 'USS Carl Vinson' is moving West towards the Middle East, abandoning its mission in the Phillipine & South China Seas
daily reminder that just because someone is alive doesn't mean they deserve to exist     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PublicServiceAnnouncement 1.4 years ago (+4/-1)
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Credit agencies, like credit karma, are easily raising people's credit scores to encourage you to be on good behavior because the time has never been better to blow up your debt and default on it.      (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 months ago (+3/-0)
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And TransUnion, Equifax, experian

Your credit score doesn't mean a fucking thing and hasnt for over a decade. If you feel comfortable blow up your debt and don't pay it back.
Europe does not believe Russia is going to attack them ever. They are fear mongering to their people to uphold support for the US to provide free security there. That's the entire story.      (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 months ago (+5/-3)
This is all so fake and gay.
Cigarette withdrawl     (
submitted by UncleDoug to PublicServiceAnnouncement 1.4 years ago (+3/-1)
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PSA: Reminder to keep an eye on your local synagogues for terrorist attacks by Jews.     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 7 months ago (+3/-1)
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Jews have been radicalized and Israel is now known to the world as a terrorist state and Zionism is terrorism. They are presently carrying out a genocide in the Gaza concentration camp after having cut off every last drop of water supply in that desert concentration camp, food supply and electricity. They're currently using internationally banned white phosphorous chemical weapons, constituting an egregious war crime. They've used the Jewish Connection in America to have America assist in the genocide and make sure not a single man, woman or child escapes alive. They will kill any goyim they see fit.

It's probably a good idea to pop their bubble and make it clear that you are not on their side and their US citizenship has been revoke. Make any crude handcrafted sign and write "free Palestine" on it and go protest in front of the synagogue.

This is our chance to inform Jews we would like them to stop draining our European countries' resources for genocides and they are not legal citizens and have no right to be here. And seize back control of our lands. Forget expelling them from your country; could you even get them out of your own city?

If Jews start complaining they're afraid then they should flee and seek asylum in Israel.

EDIT: this post is not warning about terrorist attacks ON synagogues, it's warning you that terrorist attack are coming FROM synagogues
[updated] PSA public service announcement on possible imminent Jewish terrorist attacks     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 6 months ago (+4/-2)
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Jews have been so radicalized you guys better keep an eye on your local synagogues in case any of those Jews decide to go on a mass shooting terrorist attack on the Goyim. Lock up your kids, we know they're known for raping and killing children

The terrorist state of Israel has been carrying out a US-backed genocide for decades and recently they believe they've obtained a casus belli to go full throttle with the genocide.

They're on film saying they're committing these war crimes. The Israelis were even caught using white phosphorus chemical weapons in a terrorist attack on occupied Palestine.

I have the videos but there are too many to post. Here is a telegram channel documenting Israel's terrorist attacks on children and civilians.

The Israelis are now threatening terrorist attacks on European and American soil if Europe and America do not send military support for their genocide campaign against the Palestinians.
The gluten free trend is due to tons of foreigners who're unable to properly digest wheat and dairy, and the international jew wanting everyone else to subsidize the production by buying it     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 6 months ago (+4/-2)
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I forget if I posted this before, but the more people who buy in on costly and frivolous markets, the cheaper it is to sustain it.

Stop buying gluten free stuff and let the lactose intolerant people pay pay pay if they want to stay.
Friendly reminder that the Jew is about to shapeshift, and we need to remain strong with our anti semitism.      (
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PublicServiceAnnouncement 5 months ago (+3/-1)
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To anyone considering going to Texas to (righteously) kill invaders and defend our border, consider that you'd be abandoning movements in your own city which would take the wind out of the sail there. And that's bad     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 months ago (+3/-1)
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This could be a strategy to disempower movements locally across the USA. Texas has many parts of the border they don't even seem to be trying to defend, they could be putting you on a registered list once you get there, and recall that Texas was paying to bus people into the country a year or less ago. Furthermore, there are copious amounts of libtards from Commiefornia that moved there, and they would love to mess up everything we have going in our communities.

Stay in your city. Arm your people there and push out the Jew and the invaders there. If we all do our part they'll live very uncomfortably and they'll be easier to spot as nomads and with either self deport or consolidate for... processing later.

see here for evidence
Dear N word of voat, my copy pasta about the Zion Don to the PepperidgeFarmRemembers subvoat is generating new traffic to the site. You're welcome, and the last one to like this is black!     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PublicServiceAnnouncement 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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EMA      (
submitted by VaccineWaters to PublicServiceAnnouncement 1.6 years ago (+2/-1)
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The only true acronym for EMA
There is a group of people who will come to pro-white forums and try to bail out nigger loving women when they need an extra hand to prop up the women worship propaganda. they're just using your "racist" energy in the most villainous way.     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 months ago (+1/-2)

There is a prime example in the link. You always have to ask yourself "what was this white women doing around niggers in the first place?" Any woman who's dated or fornicated with a nigger deserves capital punishment and everything in between, so no, they do not get to run back to white men for protection - they should be given capital punishment and nothing less.

There is a similar example of this when a French woman tried to invade a men's only space in France, and she got kicked out and had to leave. Then, 6 months later, the video was spammed and signal boosted online to show just the part where these now ~~Muuuuuuslim~~~ men were harassing a white women "for no reason".

These are not clever tricks, and you should always question what the woman was doing in that situation in the first place. Women are not safe ever anywhere to be walking around by themselves. Even if we lived in a pure European nation, they'd be out there destroying families and sleeping around, doing shots, and getting anal from chad in "da club" because women are destroyers of civilization, especially under jewish influence.

This Zeitgeist I mention will not be changed in the amount of time it takes for someone to write an angry comment here, it will not change tomorrow or next year. It's going to take decades and beyond our lifetimes to change all this around. For now, stop putting energy into the enemy's system, apathy/ignorance is death to many of the enemy's systems, and help out your own people (make sure to vet them).
The Jew banks are using SOCKS5 and have been for a while. This will mean something to you eventually.      (PublicServiceAnnouncement)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 4 months ago (+3/-2)
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