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Community for : 1.6 years

Owner: fritz_maurentod


on covid     (
submitted by oppressed to PassingOfTheGreatRace 1.4 years ago (+37/-0)
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bill gates daughters are mudsharks like so many White women     (
submitted by oppressed to PassingOfTheGreatRace 1.2 years ago (+29/-2)
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What happens when whites take state power and try to defend themselves from being racially replaced     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to PassingOfTheGreatRace 1.4 years ago (+10/-1)
10 comments last comment...,33009,840760,00.html

of course, they can't pull of this tactic if you take America. but they would definitely do it to Australia. jews are focused in America for a reason. they know where the power is, and that's where the power has to be taken.
Race traitor     (
submitted by HeyJames to PassingOfTheGreatRace 1.4 years ago (+7/-2)
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So Elon Musk's father was a politician for the anti-apartheid party...     (PassingOfTheGreatRace)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to PassingOfTheGreatRace 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
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"Errol Musk (born 1946) is a South African retired politician, electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, and property developer who once co-owned a Zambian emerald mine near Lake Tanganyika. In 1972, he was a Pretoria city councillor representing the anti-apartheid Progressive Party."

The Progressive Party (Afrikaans: Progressiewe Party) was a liberal party in South Africa which, during the era of apartheid, was considered the left wing of the all-white parliament. The party represented the legal opposition to apartheid within South Africa's white minority. It opposed the ruling National Party's racial policies, and championed the rule of law.[1] For 13 years its only member of parliament was Helen Suzman.

Suzman was born Helen Gavronsky in 1917 to Frieda and Samuel Gavronsky, Jewish Lithuanian immigrants. She visited Nelson Mandela on numerous occasions while he was in prison. She visited Bram Fischer and other ANC and Communist Party political prisoners and personally provided them with speakers and records, seeking improvements to their conditions with ministers and in Parliament. She was appointed by Mandela to the first electoral commission of South Africa that oversaw the first election based on universal franchise in 1994.(!!!). She was present with Mandela when he signed the new constitution in 1996.