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Community for : 2.9 years


Owner: Clubberlang


DUMBASS treasure hunter leads Feds to a 7 ton cache of lost gold, SHOCKED when they confiscate it in the middle of the night     (
submitted by Endo_Aryan to Newsofthestupid 1.3 years ago (+75/-0)
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He thought the federal government would do the right thing, after all we've been through? Good going, Mr "Finders Keepers". How did that appeal to authority work out for you?
Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‘little black book’ to remain secret after judge warns against ‘needless’ namedropping     (
submitted by obvious to Newsofthestupid 2.5 years ago (+47/-0)
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What, expose minions of the pedovore satanist blackmail cabal!?!?!?! Nothing to see here, move along. Look, Squirrel!
What's with all the German headlines here today? Ah well, here's another - German TV Presenter Pushes For Mandatory Vaccination – Then Collapses Live On-Air - SAFE AND EFFECTIVE - LOL!      (
submitted by lord_nougat to Newsofthestupid 2.3 years ago (+45/-0)
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KeK     (
submitted by inaminit to Newsofthestupid 2.8 years ago (+37/-2)
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Saw this one coming...
Leftist tries to get me cancelled for having a Lets Go Brandon sticker     (Newsofthestupid)
submitted by con77 to Newsofthestupid 2.1 years ago (+36/-1)
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I volunteer for a veterans charity. Im in front of local businesses that have a good amount of foot traffic.

2 months ago I was at a location in Tarpon Springs Fl with my truck parked nearby. I have a USCG hat on my table and a USCG sticker on my truck.

Some butthurt leftist put 2+2 together and called the business to complain about my Brandon sticker. He said that he thought it was aa disgrace and that he would never shop at that location again!

Luckily the manager realized the guy was a flake and shined him on. Mentioning The First Amendment in the process.

Today, 2 months later, the same guy sees me and calls to complain again! This time out of respect to the manager Im parked 150' away with my back bumper against a hedgerow! The fucking leftist cunt COULDNT EVEN SEE MY BUMPER!

The manager is a cool dude who once again reminded the crybaby about The First Amendment. He told me not to worry about it. That he had been wearing his Lets Go Brandon shirt the day before on his day off!

I know what the commie fuck looks like now. What should I say if I see him again? Its a guy in his late 50's. I was gonna call him "groomer" but to me thats fighting words. Any suggestions?
Twitter Agrees to Pay $150 Million FTC Fine for Using Two Factor Authentication as Ruse to Sell Targeted User Data to Advertisers     (
submitted by lord_nougat to Newsofthestupid 2 years ago (+32/-0)
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When You Bring A Stick...     (
submitted by BulletStopper to Newsofthestupid 3 months ago (+32/-1)
15 comments last comment... a car fight.

Idiot must have thought he was winning. Right up until he lost.
Minnesota Democrat lawmakers push ban on gas-powered lawn mowers, chainsaws to curb 'climate pollution'     (
submitted by obvious to Newsofthestupid 1.3 years ago (+29/-0)
22 comments last comment...
I got 'Agent Smith'ed' today and came to a realisation i probably already knew...     (Newsofthestupid)
submitted by i_scream_trucks to Newsofthestupid 1.3 years ago (+29/-1)
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For the last two days in Melbourne we have had the following on which you tend to browse on your phone or computer rather than it being in the newspaper -

"Crazy conspiracy theory involving 15 minute cities"

The body of the article then describes state government policy again, highly illegal Vic Government Policy, see - Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Section 12 on the 'trial' of 15 minute cities. Then footnotes it with 'a crazy conspiracy' again. Literally describes, and calls it the government trial.

At work before i left, questions were asked about a number of MASSIVE screens which have now gone up in the local area slap bang in the middle of major highways and major arterials in the area im living in.

The sole thing i said was 'Yes thats to do with the 15 minute city trial'


In my mind, im like.... are you fucking retarded? (knowing the answer) - Shes seen 'Conspiracy theory' and rolled her eyes at the headline without reading the article, then when someone responds to her the GOVERNMENTS line literally telling her about the screens and the 15 minute city trial, gone into attack mode (agent smith - watch the matrix, say certain things and suddenly the person youre talking to turns into a government controlled agent)

Then i realised something - The 'crazy conspiracy theorists' and the government, are now using, exactly the same words, exactly the same terms, to describe exactly the same thing. The articles themselves, quite specifically, pointed out, the where why how and what of the 'government run trial' which is identical to the government run trials in multiple cities all around the world (Oxford coming to mind immediately, only theyre not pretending its about 'beautifying the city') and is literally already in force, and controlled by the jab passes which most fucking victorians are calling out as being 'bad stuff' in China.

These cunts dont read. They dont read articles. They only read headlines, and when weasel words are put into the headlines, they literally groan and flick past it, thereby allowing, as per 'crazy conspiracy theorists' and as per the universal law of evil (the perpetrators must describe to us exactly what theyre doing without hiding it, and the victims must give their consent) the people to be told exactly whats coming for them.

Upside is, those that are awake and have not and never will give their consent will not be bound by the laws of these schemes - Us that point blank refused masks, refused the jabs, refused lockdowns, refused the 'essential worker permits' (Sicherheitspass - look it up, its been done before) cannot in any way shape or form be bound by these mandates, these fucking idiots are going to lock themselves up and leave the world for the rest of us.

PS - inb4 'herp derp shouldnt have given up your guns' - you people saying that have still not done fuck all about your openly stolen election, and weve still got guns. Dont even bother.

Niggerific story of the day     (
submitted by con77 to Newsofthestupid 2.1 years ago (+26/-0)
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I bet you didn't know how they do it     (
submitted by boekanier to Newsofthestupid 3 weeks ago (+25/-0)
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Unhinged Papa John's Delivery Driver     (
submitted by Thisismyaccount to Newsofthestupid 2.6 years ago (+24/-0)
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Scary stupid     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Newsofthestupid 1.6 years ago (+25/-1)
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"...because of the aging..."     (
submitted by boekanier to Newsofthestupid 4 months ago (+24/-0)
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act like a nigger. win nigger prizes     (
submitted by con77 to Newsofthestupid 2.2 years ago (+23/-0)
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Breatheology     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Newsofthestupid 7 months ago (+20/-0)
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Just like the electoral college, executive orders, judicial decisions, they have absolutely no problem with it when it is what they want. But when it's not, it's suddenly "illegitimate."     (
submitted by totes_magotes to Newsofthestupid 2.0 years ago (+19/-0)
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Biden's Army. Sorry soldiers, no food for you     (
submitted by Panic to Newsofthestupid 10 months ago (+19/-0)
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Cult-Owned Wokers Hate Free Speech Because They Fear Dissent, Not ‘Disinformation’     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to Newsofthestupid 2.1 years ago (+17/-0)
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because they dont enforce the laws already on the books     (
submitted by con77 to Newsofthestupid 2 years ago (+17/-1)
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New England is an Energy Crisis Waiting to Happen     (
submitted by obvious to Newsofthestupid 2.5 years ago (+15/-0)
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"New England opposed natural gas pipelines and shut down nuclear. If you live in New England, I suggest you pick up a wool blanket or two. In the war between platitudes and physics, physics is undefeated."
Weight Loss Drug Ozempic Is Making Fatties Literally Shit The Bed     (
submitted by Scyber to Newsofthestupid 1 year ago (+15/-0)
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Some top notch reporting from Vox.     (
submitted by soupnazi to Newsofthestupid 7 months ago (+15/-0)
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Robber leaves scene in a coroners van     (
submitted by Thisismyaccount to Newsofthestupid 2.8 years ago (+13/-0)
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"Correct words are racist" - "Marijuana" is being removed from lawbooks/aws.     (
submitted by totes_magotes to Newsofthestupid 2.1 years ago (+13/-0)
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