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Community for : 11 months

Alcoholics who are addicted to the liquid jew

Owner: HeyJames


It is good to see goats coming to terms with the evil of alcohol, the Liquid-Jew. Occasional use is okay but making it a lifestyle is harmful     (LiquidJew)
submitted by HeyJames to LiquidJew 2 days ago (+45/-4)
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Alcohol causes just about more problems than any other substance. Drinking and driving is a big deal and very inconsiderate of others.

It can be a tough decision to cut out something that helps change your headspace and cope with the world. I've been there before, think we all have at some point (at least those of us who have truly lived)
I'm not afraid to ban people who show uncivilized behavior and produce statements in support of niggery     (
submitted by HeyJames to LiquidJew 2 days ago (+11/-0)
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Niggers and spics drive drunk and kill families. If you have a statement in support of drunk driving (lol) and wish to express it in a non-trashy manner, it will be allowed. Behaving as a literal drunk nigger is not.
@Sleazy drives drunk again      (
submitted by HeyJames to LiquidJew 5 days ago (+4/-0)
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