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VIDEO: Jew Soldiers Getting Killed by Gaza Snipers     (
submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 6 days ago (+42/-2)
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Ultimate Shape Shifting      (
submitted by NoRefunds to Jews 4 days ago (+35/-0)
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The kikes want to be white so badly, they are even doing shit to themselves that they said menegele did.
Guy buys house and finds jewish tunnels underneath it. I wonder how many kids in that area and surrounding area went missing over the years?     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 2 days ago (+28/-0)
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Judaism is just schizophrenia and OCD      (
submitted by GreatSatan to Jews 1 day ago (+29/-1)
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Don't Forget About Bud Light Goy     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to Jews 5 days ago (+26/-0)
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Mother deals with a jew trying tomolest her kid     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 1 day ago (+20/-1)
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Jewish Defector Exposes True History of WWI/WWII/Adolf Hitler and Jews     (
submitted by Special_Prosecutor to Jews 1 day ago (+17/-0)
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Paki Cab Driver Tries To Vehicularly Kill a Bunch of Hasids     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Jews 2 days ago (+14/-0)
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Russian soldier describes farm where Jews in Ukraine raised and slaughtered kids for pedophiles and organ harvesting.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 13 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Spotted     (
submitted by Kozel to Jews 5 days ago (+12/-1)
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Stop! Oh we can't say that?     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 day ago (+11/-1)
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Similarities between jewish and muslim traditions     (
submitted by didyouknow to Jews 4 days ago (+8/-0)
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“Persecuted.” (This Is Most Likely Boro Park, Brooklyn, But It Could Also Be Crown Heights     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Jews 3 days ago (+9/-0)
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Jews used to burn down competitors buildings to secure a liquor monopoly     (Jews)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Jews 4 days ago (+7/-0)
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Adds perhaps a new slant to Prohibition and the Jewish gangsters fighting back against it.

On a more positive note, the hexagram was also thought to be a symbol of protection against fire and demons. In Medieval towns, where structures were built primarily of wood, the risk of fire in breweries was a constant; brewers who displayed this symbol were believed to be protected from such calamities.

Though there is scant pictorial evidence from a century or more ago, it was conventional for brewers in Europe and America to brand or render a six-point star on the heads of their beer barrels and kegs. And, similarly, many brewers in the 19th and early 20th centuries created logos that incorporated the six-pointed star. The Brewer’s Star was also an adornment on many brewhouses built in previous centuries. The star was often a prominent and enduring fixture on the edifice exterior, proudly proclaiming the link to a rich brewing heritage.

In no other country is the Brewer’s Star better represented than in Germany. Alternately referred to as the Bierstern or the Brauerstern, this symbol can be seen throughout the Fatherland, most frequently in the southern state of Bavaria. Not unlike the Ale Stake and pub signs found in Britain, cantilevered inn signs in Germany commonly display a dangling Brewer’s Star.

The presence of these stars on the exteriors of the inns in Germany represented two things: 1) recognition of the right to brew beer and 2) a signal to thirsty travelers that fresh beer was on tap. Because the populace was mostly illiterate, the stars were often painted white or red, indicating that the available beer was either light or dark.

More evidence of how they did the same in Poland and were eventually banned from it:
Why do the richest Indians have Israeli chefs?     (Jews)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Jews 4 days ago (+7/-0)
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"Israeli chefs Talia and Paul Assenheim, private chefs to the Ambani family, headed the culinary team at the pre-wedding party held by Mukesh Ambani, the wealthiest man in Asia with an estimated net worth of $114 billion, for his son Anant. The highlight of the party was a performance by pop superstar Rihanna, which included VIP guests such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Ivanka Trump, and others.

The event, which cost $120 million, featured 25 chefs, all with 3 Michelin stars, who came from around the world with their assistants and prepared food for the distinguished guests.

This is the third Ambani wedding in which the Israeli chefs, who have accompanied the family as private chefs over the years, have taken part. The wedding itself will take place in July with the participation of guests from all over the world."
Zognald Trump BTFO! "I'm gonna drain the swamp then arrest them all MAGA". Trump then gets arrested, charged and found guilty on all accounts. Yeah, Zognald really drained it, didn't he?     (Jews)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 1 day ago (+7/-2)
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This shit is jewish theater. Now I bet he wins re-election and pardons himself all while his jewish friends funnel trillions out of America like they've done under Biden retard. This country is fucked. Its over.
Lol within minutes of Oct 7 starting, someone on pol posted a gif of this guy with the title "Israeli wizards - why are they in such a hurry these days?"      (
submitted by Dindu to Jews 4 days ago (+4/-0)
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@System drove the Jews out from Voat like Hadrian entering Jerualem. We will use their ashes as mortar to build a Temple for Zeus!     (
submitted by Master_Foo to Jews 22 hours ago (+4/-0)
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aint that the truth     (
submitted by con77 to Jews 3 days ago (+3/-0)
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The Jews are Good, Goyim! Worship the GloboHomo Jew-God!     (
submitted by Master_Foo to Jews 1 day ago (+4/-1)
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ATF Every Fucking Time     (Jews)
submitted by Special_Prosecutor to Jews 4 days ago (+2/-0)
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Disgusting Progressive California Gender Goblin gets a microphone and then flips the fucking tables. Calls out pedophiles and Democrats who protect them. It will be rewarded with a 5 minute delay when we throw it into the oven.     (
submitted by Master_Foo to Jews 1 day ago (+1/-1)
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Juden Penistein: We Who Wrestle With God Tour... What is the word for the "(((People))) who wrestle with (((God)))"? Seems kinda gay.     (
submitted by Master_Foo to Jews 22 hours ago (+0/-0)
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We have a new method of testing if someone is a Jew. Downvoat this post. If you can do it, you are not a Jew. All the Jews have already wasted their downgoats.     (Jews)
submitted by Master_Foo to Jews 21 hours ago (+6/-7)
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