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Commies Do Open Recruitment Drive Today In NYC On the F Train Going Into Manhattan original content     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 2 months ago (+18/-1)
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“I told them after I put the phone down: “Communism has never worked in history. It’s a faggot’s dream.”
A historical example of the classic jewish M.O; Parrot the talking point of the group you'd like to infiltrate by appeasing them, that includes being 'anti-semitic' if needed and then steer the narrative into the direction that will make you rub your hands.      (
submitted by didyouknow to CommunismIsJewish 3 months ago (+9/-0)
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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Togeather     (
submitted by NeonGreen to CommunismIsJewish 4 months ago (+12/-0)
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Jewish communist control over the Middle East.      (CommunismIsJewish)
submitted by didyouknow to CommunismIsJewish 5 months ago (+18/-0)
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Most people underestimate the amount of control the Soviet Union had over the Middle East. The Soviet Union through their communist groups in the Middle East managed to control the mind of the people and their leaders there, effectively controlling the opposition to Israel.

I will go through prominent jewish communists in the Middle East and how pretty much ALL communist parties in various Arab countries were all founded and run by jews. I will also show how they are the originators of todays 'anti-Zionist' narrative which is in actuality not anti-jewish but anti-White because it equates Zionism as a product of Western Imperialism which of course, is a lie.

Prominent jewish communists in the Middle East

Joseph Berger-Barzilai:

''Originally a Zionist, he became a communist and took part in the founding of the Communist Party of Palestine in 1922 and became its secretary. In 1924, he was sent to Beirut to establish a branch of the party. The result was the Lebanese People's Party, a front organization, which was founded in October the same year around a communist party of Lebanon and Syria.''

He was one of the founders of the Lebanese Communist Movement;
''The Lebanese People's Party (Arabic: حزب الشعب اللبناني) was the first formally organized communist party in the Arab world. It was established 24 October 1924 by nine people, prominent among them Joseph Berger-Barzilai, Yusuf Yazbek and Fuad Shamali''

And of course, the Lebanese Communist later morphed into the Syrian Communist Movement;

''Syrian–Lebanese Communist Party succeeded the Lebanese People's Party and the Syrian–Lebanese Communist Party was succeeded by the Lebanese Communist Party and the Syrian Communist Party.''

Both the Lebanese Communist Party and Syrian Communist Party originated ultimately from the Zionist communist jew, Joseph Berger.

Joseph Rosenthal:

Joseph Rosenthal (1867–1927) was born in Beirut to an immigrant family of Russian Ashkenazi origin. Early in his youth Rosenthal moved to Alexandria, and by the late 1890s he was active in socialist study groups and workers’ organizations. A jeweler by profession, Rosenthal was a charter member of the first socialist group in Egypt, the Groupe d’Etudes Sociales. In 1921, together with Salāma Mūsā, Muḥammad ‘Abd Allāh ‘Inān, and Maḥmūd Ḥusnī al-‘Arabī, he helped found the Egyptian Socialist Party, which the next year changed its name to the Communist Party of Egypt (CPE)

The Communist Party of Egypt was founded by a jewish communist.

Henri Curiel:

Henri Curiel (13 September 1914 – 4 May 1978) was a left-wing political activist in Egypt and France. Born in Egypt, Curiel led the communist Democratic Movement for National Liberation(HADITU) until he was expelled from the country in 1950. Curiel was born in Cairo to an Italian Sephardic Jewish family

His party HADITU backed the 1952 Egyptian Revolution, which helped the Nasser come to power (there's been numerous arabic sources that Nasser might have been a secret jew himself)

HADITU supported the 1952 coup d'état, being the only communist faction to do so.[17] Several prominent figures in the Revolutionary Command Council and the Free Officers had links to HADITU. RCC member Yusuf Siddiq was a member of HADITU. Another RCC member, Khalid Muhyi ad-Din, had briefly been affiliated to HADITU in 1947. Whilst not a RCC member, HADITU member Ahmed Hamrush was a prominent figure in the Free Officers Movement. HADITU member Ahmed Fu'ad, a military judge, acted as a liaison between HADITU and Gamal Abdel Nasser. In February 1955 HADITU merged with six other factions, forming the Unified Egyptian Communist Party. The Rome Group was not consulted or informed on the merger (although, once Curiel heard of the merger he and the rest of the Rome Group supported it).

Ceresi, Marcel:

Born in 1913, Marcel Ceresi (also known as Marcel Israel) was a prominent Communist organizer in Egypt and Italy in the twentieth century. Ceresi’s political career began as a youth coordinator of Wafd demonstrations against King Fuad in 1930. [In 1936 he volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War as a member of the International Brigades but was denied entry into the country. Ceresi traveled extensively and was connected to other Communist parties in the Mediterranean region, maintaining international contacts in Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere.

Hillel Schwartz:

Hillel Schwartz (13 February 1923 – 1 August 2007), an Egyptian Jew, was the founder of the Iskra ('al-Sharara') party, a small Communist political party which was one of the Egyptian political groupings advocating full independence from Great Britain before the Egyptian Revolution of 1952.Iskra was a vanguardist party, which "emphasized the need for the mobilization of a revolutionary reserve of Marxist consciousness and intellectuals in order to establish a sound base from which popular activity could follow''
Iskra (communist group):

''Like all communist groups, the cadres were mainly urban and based in the Cairo area. A large number of the Iskra cadres were Europeanised Jews or belonging to other European minorities. Many of the Iskra activists belonged to the upper strata of Cairo society, and were often recruited from the Lycée Français du Caire. The recruitment was often done through arranging parties and social events. In 1945, Iskra had a membership of about 900. 40% of them were foreigners.

Notably the Jewish members of the Iskra leadership took a more militant anti-Zionist approach than the non-Jewish cadres. Around 1946/early 1947 they formed the Jewish Anti-Zionist League. The Iskra group soon got the reputation of being a haven for sexual libertinism.In fact the anti-communist discourse in Egypt at the time, which was centered around claims that the communist movement was morally depraved and dominated by Jews''

It's very important to point that many Arabs, both in the Middle East and outside of the Middle East, and the same is true for most people who are anti-Zionists parrot the communist created narrative that Zionism is a product of U.S and the British as a tool of imperialism to continue their influence in the Middle East through Zionism. This form of propaganda switches the blame of jews unto Whites. This narrative as we all know is obviously false. This propaganda, not surprising to any, originated from the jewish controlled Soviet Union. This anti-White communist propaganda lives on very well today, I think you've all seen this propaganda in action.

''The Executive of the Communist International described Zionism in I930 as " the exponent of the exploiting, big-power, imperialist oppressive strivings of the Hebrew bourgeoisie,'' and said that "Zionism was converted into a weapon of British imperialism in order to suppress the national liberation movement of the Arab masses, while it converted into its own weapon the Hebrew population of Palestine''

The Soviet Union was pretty much saying that the poor jews was being used as a weapon by those evil White Brits for their imperialistic desires when the opposite was true. It was JEWS that used the Brits as their weapon for their own imperialistic desires, namely, have them take over Palestine for them, which is what they did.

The ambitions of the Jewish Anti-Zionist League were twofold. On one hand, it sought to counter the Zionist influence within the Jewish community in Egypt. On the other hand, it sought to clarify to the Egyptian public that not all Jews were Zionists.

In May 1947, the League had published a declaration, distributed in French and Arabic, condemning Zionism as a tool for British imperialism and called for Jewish-Arab unity. The latter part of the declaration read: Jewish Men! Jewish Women!

Zionism wants to throw us into a dangerous and hopeless adventure. Zionism contributes to making Palestine uninhabitable. Zionism wants to isolate us from the Egyptian people. Zionism is the enemy of the Jewish people.

Down with Zionism! Long live the brotherhood of Jews and Arabs!

The Communist jews in the Middle East used their influence to spread this propaganda amongst the Arabs, to have them believe that Zionism was a White man's tool to oppress them and that jews are only used as a tool by them. Notice as well how they claimed that not all jews are Zionists. This is to plant the deceptive seed to have their victim who falls for this propaganda to believe they can still trust jews and work together against Zionism, making it much easier for jews to infiltrate the opposition to Zionism and control it. It's also to make Arabs believe that the problem with jews doesn't just go beyond modern day Zionism.

More prominent jewish communists in the Middle East;

Ahmad Sadiq Sa’d:

Sadiq was one of the intellectuals who stimulated the revival of the Egyptian communist movement in the late 1930s and a leader of the New Dawn/Workers’ Vanguard/Workers’ and Peasants’ Communist Party tendency before the formation of the united Communist Party in 1958. He spent 1959-65 in prison with the other Egyptian communist cadres. But his spirit was not broken, and he continued to struggle and to serve the Egyptian people, guided by a consistent internationalist vision, until the last day of his life. The historical writings of Sadiq’s last years are a lasting monument to his incisive intellect. They stand as a fundamental reference for all who seek to understand Egypt’s past in order to change its future

''The Jewish former WPCP (Workers' and Peasants' Communist Party) members Ahmad Sadiq Sa‘d, Yusuf Darwish, and Raymond Douek detested Curiel, in part because they considered him too sympathetic to Zionism''

Nasser's foreign policy was supported by the Egyptian communists, many of whom were jewish;

''Despite Egypt's military defeat, Nasser emerged from the Suez crisis as the heroic leader of anti-imperialist pan-Arabism. All the Egyptian communists now supported the regime's foreign policy wholeheartedly, and moving closer to the regime encouraged the factionalized movement to unite its own ranks. The first stage of unification was the fusion of al-Raya with the UECP(United Egyptian Communist Party) (composed largely of the former HADETU) to form the United Egyptian Communist Party (al-Hizb al-Shuyu‘i al-Misri al-Muttahid) in July 1957. As a condition of unity, al-Raya insisted that Jews be excluded from the leadership of the new party and that the Rome Group be dissolved.''

Despite that jews were to excluded from leadership of the new united communist party, jews still remained rank-and-file members of the United Egyptian Communist Party, most likely controlling the party from behind the scenes.

''The Jewish members of the UECP in Egypt quietly became rank-and-file members of the United Egyptian Communist Party.''

The jewish communist helped Gamal Abdel Nasser into power in 1952 and later the Egyptian Communist Party would dissolve itself to work within the Nasser regime. The Communist had even set up cadre-training institute, entirely run by Marxist in 1965 in which they educated thousands of youth to turn them into communists. Attempts to shut down this destructive institution was shut down by Nasser himself.

Nasser was prominent figure in the Middle East during this time and his influence was wide-spread and many Arab leaders took after him. A whole ideology was based upon the thinking of Nasser which was called Nasserism. But Nasserism in reality was just communism adapted for the Middle East specifically. Nasserism also helped to establish the narrative that we see being repeated today, that only Zionists are the problem and not the jews and many Arabs took after this line of thinking, including Palestinian fighters.

For example, George Habash, the founder of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and who also became brainwashed to accept Marxism as ideology had this to say in one of the interview he gave in 1998 when it came to the influence that Nassed had on his group;
''The fact that Nasir was advocating socialism at the time of the union with Syria gave rise to a debate within the party. In early 1959, we set up a cultural committee in Beirut headed by Muhsin Ibrahim, with Muhammad al Zayyat, Joseph Mughaizel, 'Abd al-Hamid Sharaf, and Ahmad Staitiyya as members. Following a discussion between the ANM's command and the cultural committee, it was decided to incorporate socialism in the agenda and to replace the term "revenge" with "recovering Palestine." Thus the ANM's motto became "Unity, Liberation, Socialism, and Recovering Palestine." The latter change was based on a recommendation of the cultural committee, which argued that the formulation "revenge" was not popular. The committee also advised differentiating between Jews and Zionist''

His Habash group, the Arab Nationalist Movement, had previously to adapting socialism, focus of uniting the Arabs to collectively work against Israel with the original narrative being revenge and fighting against the JEWS and not just Zionists..

Palestinian Communist Party:

The Communist Party of Palestine was founded by jews and the majority of its members were jewish. These communist jews portrayed themselves on the surface at least, as ''anti-Zionist'' and was against the partitioning of Palestine. According to a U.S. intelligence report made in 1945, the Arabs had accused the Jewish communists of being secretly Zionists. Which eventually turned out to be true.

In 1947, that was proven right when the Soviet Union endorsed the partitioning so did the Communist Party of Palestine and get this, they quickly changed their name from Communist Party of Palestine to Communist Party of Eretz Israel being the first as far as I know of, of a political party in Israel that refers to Eretz Israel or Greater Israel.

''In 1923, at the party congress, a position of support was adopted in favour of the Arab national movement as a movement "opposed to British imperialism and denounced Zionism as a movement of the Jewish bourgeoisie allied to British imperialism", a move that won it membership of the Comintern.] The Party was also opposed to Zionist settlement in Palestine and to the Histadrut and its Jewish labor policy.

During the mid-1920s the party began recruiting Arab members. Karl Radek(jewish), as head of the Comintern's Eastern department, instructed the PCP that it must "become a party of Arab workers to which Jews can belong."'

''In 1943 the party split, with the Arab members forming the National Liberation League in 1944. The PCP and NLL both initially opposed the 1947 UN Partition Plan, but accepted it after the Soviet Union endorsed it. The PCP changed its name to MAKEI, the Communist Party of Eretz Israel, after endorsing partition in October 1947'

The jewish leader of MAKEI or MAKI was Meir Vilner, he was also one of the people who signed the Israeli declaration of Independence in 1948. Remember this jew had pretended to be an anti-Zionist before the Soviet Union endorsed the UN partitioning of Palestine.

''Meir Vilner (Hebrew: מאיר וילנר, born Bar Kovner; 23 October 1918 – 5 June 2003) was an Israeli communist politician and Jewish leader of the Communist Party of Israel (Maki), at one time a powerful force in the country. He was the youngest and last living signatory of the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948''

Meir Vilner's wife said this in a statement after the proclamation of the jewish state in May 1948;

''This is a great day for us. The British mandate, covered with blood, is dead. The Jewish state arises. The British mandate has been annulled by the struggle of the Yishuv and with the help of the Soviet Union and the progressive forces of the world. But the fight for independence is not yet finished. There are still British armies on our soil. The British sent Abdullah's Arab Legion into action, which is now attacking savagely. Just as we achieved liquidation of the mandate by a struggle for liberation of the Yishuv, so we will achieve full independence by the mobilization of all the forces of the Yishuv for the fight for our freedom. On our side stands the whole Jewish people. On our side stand all progressive forces. We will fight and we will win.''
Notice how the help of the Soviet Union when it came to the creation of the terrorist state of Israel particularly highlighted in her statement.

Jordanian Communist Movement was established by members of the Palestinian Communist Party:

In October 1948, those who remained in what became Israel merged with the Jewish Communists within the framework of the Israeli Communist Party . In May 1951, the Jordanian Communist Party (JCP) was established, which brought together league members in the West Bank with a number of Transjordanian Marxists. In August 1953, league members who were in Gaza formed the Palestinian Communist Party in Gaza (PCP-G).

Iraqi Communist Party:

''Many Jews participate in Iraqi politics in different ways. Many Jews joined the Communist Party, in fact, lead the Communist Party to a certain extent. Others join different parties that highly identify in terms of Iraqi nationalism

''From 1941 until the community’s mass exodus from Iraq in 1951, Jews were crucial members of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). Jewish women were among them. Even though Jewish Communists never numbered more than 300, they were entirely committed to the ICP and Iraq’s future as free and independent. Inspired by their love of Iraq, antifascism, and the ICP’s commitment to women’s issues, Iraqi Jewish women gave themselves wholeheartedly to the Party. To be a Communist in Iraq was illegal, but Jewish women were not deterred. Their names and actions deserve as much mention as their male comrades.''

The jewish communist supported Rashid Ali when he gained power. That makes sense because one of the aims of Soviet Union was to rid the British from the Middle East.

''However, when the Soviet Union signed the Non-Aggression Pact on August 26, 1939,the Communists in Iraq were ready to cooperate with the pan-Arab group and when Rashid Ali seized power in 1941, they actively supported his regime.''

Rashid Ali is said to have been one of the perpetuators of the pogrom in Iraq called Farhud;

This was no doubt orchestrated with the help of communist jews to get Iraqi jews to sympathize with Zionism and making them want to leave Iraq when the time is right.

More communist anti-Zionist controlled opposition;


Matzpen (Hebrew: מצפן, lit. 'Compass') is the name of a revolutionary socialist and anti-Zionist organisation, founded in Israel in 1962 which was active until the 1980s. Its official name was the Socialist Organisation in Israel, but it became better known as Matzpen after its monthly publication.

“Imperialism” and “Colonialism”, which appear repeatedly in this article, are often used as synonyms. Scholars have offered various definitions to differentiate the terms. Matzpen writers often used Imperialism when dealing with the dominance and strong-arm tactics by the major powers and Colonialism when writing about the inhabitants of regions under the direct governance of the powers and the powers’ policy towards them. However, in Matzpen—Israel was defined variously as a “servant of imperialism”, other times as “an imperialist state”, and in yet others as “a colonial state”.

It's important to point out when they speak of imperialism, they are speaking of the 'West', i.e. the White world. So when they this jewish communist group is calling Israel as a 'servant of imperialism', they are saying that Israel is a servant of the White world, when unfortunately the opposite is true. But this is the narrative that many anti-Zionists fall for today, not realizing this is entirely communist propaganda created by the Soviet Union to demonize the West.
in a single sentence     (
submitted by boekanier to CommunismIsJewish 5 months ago (+43/-0)
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Fully controlled Uniparty House speaker favors WWIII      (
submitted by obvious to CommunismIsJewish 6 months ago (+18/-0)
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Mike Johnson, the new GOP Speaker of the House, tells Sean Hannity:

- "We can't allow Putin to prevail in Ukraine"
- US "boots on the ground" may be required to "stand with Israel"
-" Supports Israel directly attacking Iran"
When Those Fucking Retards Demonize the January 6th People (Mostly Criminal Trespass, Disorderly Conduct and Petit Larceny), Remind Them of 1983 When Leftists BOMBED THE CAPITOL.      (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 6 months ago (+33/-2)
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Jew tries to patronize Morgan Freeman with his commie nonsense and when he gets called out on his nonsense, the Jew tries to flee down his “I’m Jewish” escape hatch.     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 6 months ago (+7/-3)
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G Edward Griffin (1969) – Mass Sabotage & Wild Fires Will Usher In Communism     (
submitted by shitface9000 to CommunismIsJewish 8 months ago (+4/-0)
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Condescending Kike Tries to Give Me a History Lesson and Gets One In Return (2 More Screenshots In Thread)     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 8 months ago (+26/-3)
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Oppenheimer Article Comments Section     (CommunismIsJewish)
submitted by Special_Prosecutor to CommunismIsJewish 10 months ago (+0/-0)
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WHOA! Amazon Says: “NO HOME FOR YOU!”     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 10 months ago (+6/-0)
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I’ll just break one of my Windows and have my lawyer send Amazon the bill. Not being locked out of my home at at the whim of some Marxist bully.
Who needs Communist International when you got the UN?      (
submitted by didyouknow to CommunismIsJewish 10 months ago (+2/-0)
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What I Have Started Doing to Discount People Spewing Leftist Brainwashing     (CommunismIsJewish)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 10 months ago (+20/-1)
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“Think about where you learned this idea. I bet it was from TV, print media, or college.”

Then, look at them sternly:


Walk away.
Part of the Communist/Globalist Plan: Encourage “De-Escalation” in Police and Private Security to Allow For Increased Lawlessness and Make Male Passivity a Virtuous Trait     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 10 months ago (+3/-0)
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The store employee’s actions were more in line with traditional American thinking.
G. Edward Griffin discusses commie menace (1969)     (
submitted by shitface9000 to CommunismIsJewish 10 months ago (+13/-0)
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The future we face where niggers outnumber the humans. Podcast from a member of Orania, an ethno state in South Africa      (
submitted by IdlyDyiny to CommunismIsJewish 11 months ago (+7/-2)
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Jewish missionary work     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CommunismIsJewish 1.1 years ago (+40/-1)
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Common pattern among communist executioners, happily sentencing untold hundreds and thousands to death with glee without mercy but once they're chosen for the chopping block, they cry, wail and beg for mercy like the cowardly bastards that they were.      (
submitted by didyouknow to CommunismIsJewish 1.2 years ago (+40/-0)
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Fun fact;

Stalin suffered from a stroke, most likely caused by Warfarin poisoning, and he was found on the floor, soaked in his own filthy urine, suffering from painful internal bleeding that would cause his death.
Russell Brand and His Shiny Happy Progressive People     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to CommunismIsJewish 1.2 years ago (+5/-2)
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Because the “progressive” people (regressive, really) are obsessed with destroying the traditional ones and their traditions.

This whole idea of “progressive” comes from Cultural Marxism, which is an offshoot of the Economic Marxism created and propagated by Jews in Academia and then reinforced through repetition by news media and entertainment.

The whole purpose of these seemingly wonderful ideas is to divide families, create enmity between races and social classes and thusly destroy the fabric of society so the same people can come in and ostensibly “rescue” us from ourselves by seemingly restoring order and stamping out the very chaos they created in the first place. Of course, the way this is done is through martial law and imprisonment of “dissidents” who will have their wealth and properties confiscated.

The whole purpose of Marxism/Socialism/Communism is to manipulate and use peasants as cannon fodder by promising them a re-allocation of wealth. It sounds great if you’re destitute, lazy, untalented or all of the above and know you will never go anywhere in a meritocracy. Those are the exact kinds of people who are drawn to the nihilism and anarchy that these Marxist forces encourage. When the Communists do come to power, those agitators are the first people to be shot, starved or poisoned because aside from causing chaos, they cannot contribute to any society—even a demented Commie one where all wealth is surrendered and no one eats 3 meals a day anymore.

After all of the young revolutionaries are shot along with their right wing adversaries, the central planners get to enjoy all of our wealth in a newly depopulated society in which no one has any property or rights and thus are more easily controlled than they would be in a Capitalist society. You surrender your freedom and probably your life for the demented fantasy of modern-day piracy in which you will never really enjoy the promised spoils.
From the archives: A look at communism     (
submitted by shitface9000 to CommunismIsJewish 1.2 years ago (+3/-0)
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Collins definitions.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to CommunismIsJewish 1.4 years ago (+9/-0)
What is a woman?
Total Global Communism is the End Goal. Always has Been: UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global "War On Farmers"     (
submitted by mattsixteen24 to CommunismIsJewish 1.8 years ago (+39/-0)
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But these ARE jewish principles!      (
submitted by PostWallHelena to CommunismIsJewish 1.9 years ago (+30/-0)
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Yeshiva U forced to recognize a student club for rainbow fag types, by jew dyke judge

Article if you’re interested
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion     (
submitted by knije_tahou to CommunismIsJewish 1.9 years ago (+31/-0)
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