How to deal with blacks.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to funny 6 hours ago (+46/-0)
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Today I overheard a man tell his two young daughters that I was racist.      (whatever)
submitted by SumerBreeze to whatever 19 hours ago (+55/-1)
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They replied “How do you know?” He answered, “I can just tell.”

Then I walked up to them and said, “Your father is right, you know. When you get older, you will learn that everyone is either racist… or a liar.”
I think I may die soon     (TellTalk)
submitted by __47__ to TellTalk 1 day ago (+74/-1)
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My blood pressure is out control. Lost my job earlier this year. Have a warrant cause my crazy ex beat the shit out of me and I fought back. Alcoholic. Lost four animals in the space of three months. Have been getting dead friends showing up in dreams and giving me hugs while making me feel warm and like I'm being lifted. Ive lurked these places for a long time frome voat, to poal, conpro and here. I feel like I'm absolutely losing it. You're all just names but ya mean more to me than some of my irl friends. This is one of the only places I feel at home
HELLO TO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARDS! I can't believe this site still exists. I'm so happy to have discovered you guys during the kike spike plandemic and so hurt when it shut down a year later.     (introductions)
submitted by Vineswingers to introductions 17 hours ago (+40/-0)
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After being banned on two reddit accounts, two twitter accounts, and even FACEBOOK, I said fuck this and randomly Voat popped in my mind from way back when that Chink ellen pao or someshit set reddit up to become goy central.

I remember the good old days of reddit, coontown was my favorite sub. And anything would go. People would be racist in comments and have actual productive discussions despite disagreeing. Really felt like a bastion of truth. Any good sub recommendations similar to coontown? Generally any good subs I should check out? I'm not super into politics anymore unless its satirical or funny. Did too much damage to my mental health so I let go. I just wanna grill bros.

Anyway, I hope we cross paths in the comments!
Someone shot me a roman salute while passing     (whatever)
submitted by Endo_Aryan to whatever 1 day ago (+47/-1)
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I was in the left hand lane of a 2-lane highway, light traffic. At first, I was in the city portion where the speed limit is 35 mph. Then we transitioned to a straight away where you can drive 60. There was a little white coupe behind me. I sped up to pass the slow guy in the right-hand lane, then got over so the white car could pass me. As he did, the passenger shot out a roman salute. So I did one back.

I don't even have any telling stickers on my car! Feels great man. Please let this be a new thing.
Muslim Immigrants to French Farmers: ‘We’re Here To Kill The Whites’ And so . . . 16-year-old Thomas Perotto was stabbed in the heart and the throat, and died.     (www.frontpagemag.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 1 day ago (+43/-0)
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Pigs ram an escaped cow with their car (animal cruelty warning)      (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by dulcima to Zogbots 6 hours ago (+26/-0)
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The thirst quencher after a big day of being racist.     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to WhitePeopleThings 18 hours ago (+33/-0)
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Cute White girl.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteBeauty 4 hours ago (+24/-0)
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Watch Candace Owen tell Piers Morgan why we shouldn't care that much about Israel. WOW! (Start at 4:20 sec mark)     (youtu.be)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 6 hours ago (+27/-2)
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Diesel mechanic asks why the public has to meet emission standards while the government does not.      (youtube.com)
submitted by WolvenWargod to whatever 19 hours ago (+33/-0)
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He shows what kind of damage these required emission related add ons really do to our engines while theirs is exempt for some reason.
I was talking to a man the other day who was leaving, decided to immigrate...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Sleazy to Jokes 2 days ago (+60/-0)
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Beast and the Beauty     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 1 day ago (+56/-0)
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Department of State designates Nordic Resistance Movement as global terrorists.      (www.state.gov)
submitted by dulcima to OccidentalEnclave 7 hours ago (+24/-0)
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There is more evidence in this video of Jews wanting and actually trying to genocide white people then there was ever evidence of Nazis trying to genocide Jews     (rumble.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 day ago (+39/-0)
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Marketing jobs situation usa     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to news 20 hours ago (+31/-1)
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Kike media keep calling normal people "Far-Right"     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 11 hours ago (+27/-5)
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Julian Assange in 2011. Sounds strangely familiar. Can't quite put my finger on it.     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by qwop to whatever 3 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Many of us in the Upgoat are stimulating the reward centers of our brains with drugs and alcohol.     (whatever)
submitted by Trope to whatever 22 hours ago (+30/-0)
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Now imagine if we were all stimulating the reward centers of our brains with actual rewards!

Have a fantastic weekend. Make good choices.
It is good to see goats coming to terms with the evil of alcohol, the Liquid-Jew. Occasional use is okay but making it a lifestyle is harmful     (LiquidJew)
submitted by HeyJames to LiquidJew 1 day ago (+45/-4)
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Alcohol causes just about more problems than any other substance. Drinking and driving is a big deal and very inconsiderate of others.

It can be a tough decision to cut out something that helps change your headspace and cope with the world. I've been there before, think we all have at some point (at least those of us who have truly lived)
Every Voat link starts with 666 now. Whatcha doing rabbi?     (Christianity)
submitted by Monica to Christianity 1 day ago (+32/-2)
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Scroll over the links for comments on posts. The postID is started with 666. Then random numbers and letters are appended to it. There is no reason 666 should be on there. The random numbers and letters is all that is needed.
Mike Johnson     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to Niggerfaggots 18 hours ago (+24/-0)
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This is why Joan Rivers died
It was only a matter of time, part I     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to cringe 2 days ago (+48/-1)
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I'm going to tell you guys how I got out of my rut in case any of you has a similar one     (TellTalk)
submitted by Dindu to TellTalk 2 days ago (+49/-0)
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The makings of this rut were the world ending, the music industry sucking, the resale industry being destroyed, not having a wife or children, being overweight from the drinking, being weak from an injury. Also life long heavy headedness. Heavy feet too. I have a huge head and huge feet but I think it's an attitude problem. Lifelong caffeine addiction, quick temper, general malaise yet anxiety.

Things that changed:

People started talking about Jews and that took a lot of pressure off me and made me feel less alone and less crazy. I begin to see that we may actually retake our lands and have Prosperity again

Quitting drinking was one part but I was still high and eating garbage all the time. Drinking caffeine until bedtime.

What suddenly happened:

Strengthened my injured arm, which ended the main symptoms which was in hand. A skin condition accompanied it. All gone.

Began pouring out half my coffee every time. Then started decaf. Suddenly I am down to less than half a dose of caffeine per day. I believe this is the main thing.

Stopped smoking pot first thing in the morning. Didn't buy anymore. Intend on Quitting in next day or so.

Stopped eating processed foods. Possibly the other big one. Today I went shopping and bought eggs, spinach, almonds, walnuts and orange juice. Stopped desserts, which were throughout the day. Just chicken and broccoli, no grain, sometimes a cheeseburger but bread is on the way out too.

This is all in past week. I lost only 5 pounds in 4 months of sobriety but 10 in 1 week of no junk.

Took zertec twice in attempt to fight mysterious headaches. Probably just ramped caffeine down too fast but I can't ignore the zertec. It may have helped me do the rest of the good work

Also: elden ring. There's a ps4 here. I just run around on the horse picking plants. Each plant leads to the next, you see it glowing and go pick it up for absolutely no reason, just ripping around on a horse. Mind is at rest but the little adventurer in me has something to look at. Once in a while slap a guy with my weapon. Don't care if he dies or anything. Awesome environment.

Ultimate result:
I can look people in the eye much more easily, even beautiful women. I'm not a baby about needing pleasure or hating work. I fit into my cool clothes again. Feels awesome.

Quit everything. Go pure and get ready to fight. It isn't for no reason anymore. We are going to win.

Power of the jaguar     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 1 day ago (+34/-0)
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