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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 3 weeksMay 9, 2024 20:33:05 ago (+25/-0)     (HDLunited)

...I've got my ass planted in my bear chair and mama bear is sprawled at my feet and she's munching peanuts while her 3 cubs are wrestling in the back yard...now she's pawing at my lap and here comes the cubs. This is where it gets rousing because they get agitated over one peanut...there's 5lbs of nuts here and 3 of them fight over the same one. Now mama's got her nose in the air and everyone is on high alert...and there they all go, so that means that there's another bear coming in and it's probably Brutus...these are all his cubs anyways...he was pretty busy with his role as "syre" last couple years.

So she's leaving by way of the north trail which means that...and there he is, big boy Brutus is coming in from the West trail and he's got himself sitting there in the midst of the trees and he's surveying the area. He will kill his own cubs if he gets that impulsive urge but he also knows that a female (sow) will give him the worst defensive battle that be would experience from any animal out there.

He's pretty much accustomed to the dogs out here, well two of them anyways, there's little yappy mutt and a Golden Retriever that have been around him since he was born, him and the Retriever will play around. Last year Brutus had the Retriever in an actual bear hug, the dog had his head buried right into Brutus' chest and they were rolling around, Brutus was on his back with paws in the air, as they do when they play, but because the dog is pretty old now it doesn't have that frisk anymore and got tired so it's just sitting there staring at Brutus and he's getting pawed in face so to keep playing but it just didn't have the energy. Brutus is 5.5 years this year and he's just getting out of his adolescent stage so he's still pretty active...but I did notice last fall that he wasn't getting exited anymore like he used to, he grew up fast and he's a big fucking bear now. I would think that by mid summer he's going to be 700lbs. Last year he was over 3ft wide at the shoulders and on his fours he was pushing 4ft, and when he stood up he towered over me to at least over 9ft...and he still has his ass planted on that path.

And that's the bear report for today

14 comments block

Do you attempt to make friends with a bull elk too?