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New mom's husband complains about her wanting to be a "stay-at-home parent"

submitted by NeedleStack to TraditionalWives 3 weeksMay 9, 2024 09:07:26 ago (+27/-0)     (archive.is)


Naturally, as a Slate reader, he's pretty beta. Notice he called it "stay-at-home parent" instead of "mom". They can afford to be a one income family but he's resenting her choice. He goes on to say he figures she must be suffering from mental illness or postpartum depression to feel as she does. This guy is seriously kiked.

Here's his letter in full:

I am a new father to a beautiful 10-month-old girl. My wife’s company has a generous maternity leave policy, and she has been at home with our daughter since the birth and is scheduled to go back to work just after her first birthday in January. She recently told me she doesn’t want to go back to her job and would like to be a stay-at-home parent instead. I asked her why, and she said she enjoys being a mother too much to leave our daughter to go back to work when she doesn’t need to. This is such a departure from our plans before the baby was born. She has a good job that she enjoyed before going on leave, and had always been adamant that she wanted to continue working even after becoming a mom. We met when we worked at the same company many years ago, and one of the things I was most attracted to was her ambition and tenacity. It’s really surprising to hear that her career isn’t that important to her anymore.

Honestly, I don’t want her to quit her job. She earns about the same as I do, and while we could make ends meet on my income alone, it would impact our ability to save, and we’d need to give up one of our cars and cut way back on “extras” that make life more enjoyable. I also just … don’t want a stay-at-home wife. I really admired my wife for her work ethic, and I want her to set a good example for our daughter, too. Seeing her give up like this is really disappointing.

I gently asked her if she thought her change in attitude could be related to a possible mental health issue or postpartum depression, but she didn’t take that well. She says she only cares about our daughter and that’s where all her energy needs to go right now, and that if I love her, I will let her do this. I do love my wife, and I’m not interested in divorce, but I’m seeing a whole new side of her that I just don’t like or admire. What should I do?

—Suddenly the Breadwinner

39 comments block

Child care, when you’re paying the brunt of it so you can work 9-5, is wild ass expensive. Even 1-2% top earners would be cheque to cheque with like 3 kids.