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Jeff Bozos' Totally Real Amazon.com basement office

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 3 weeksMay 9, 2024 05:18:23 ago (+21/-0)     (truthpuke.com)


Jeff Bozos' grandpa helped start ARPA, which became DARPA. Ie, DARPANet which became, you know, the internet.

But Jeff was a totally real computer nerd who started Amazon.com in his basement! Look at this real, not staged picture! It has a graffiti-style sign, like real hackers! He has Hollywood-movie style overstuffed Christmastree-light extension cords! Just look at all those power cords!

Jeff is just like us. A hardworking guy whose grandpa worked for the Atomic Energy Commission, then headed a 26,000 person government agency, and then started the internet. Totally legit guys!

15 comments block

In the early years of amazon I ordered 1 thing and it took like 6 months to receive it. I didn't use the website for the next 10 years after that.