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26 comments block

This was a huge step in turning me as far right as I am

Whites are the only people with consideration for others and they are getting taken advantage of to an insane degree. Not just niggers and pajeets, but every dirty color is abusing the system even when they don't need to. I learned this from working all my time in charities. Mongrels have no shame or ethics about taking as much as possible when they don't need it. Many of them do it just to hurt white people. Others have never and will never have any intention of doing anything but sucking as much from the system as possible.

Chinky old ladies would get their free reserve of charity food, walk out the door, spread out a disgusting old blanket and selling it right on the sidewalk. Walk a couple feet and there is another chinky old lady doing the exact same thing, selling the exact same shit and amount.

and pedo whites know this and they just shrug their shoulders and believe they should just give more.