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Young Americans are learning that the zio-establishment doesn't tolerate criticism of Jews or Israel

submitted by John_B_14 to pics 4 monthsApr 25, 2024 04:57:49 ago (+61/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


When "Black Lives Matter" was rioting against Whitey, the zio-establishment kneeled in support.

But if you peacefully protest against Israel, then Z.O.G. will send in the goons to SHUT IT DOWN.


26 comments block

At least leftists try to take action. They'd be our best allies if we could recruit them, too bad you're all brainwashed by the jews to mindlessly hate on them, your own race, even when you agree with them on something. All you have to do is teach them the flaw of marxism, that denial of race and gender is denial of reality, and that jews are using it as a tactic to genocide us. Don't be a retard and debate them on 'socialism', agree with them on it. Both they and national socialism rightly identify that we're being exploited by an unfair system (by jewry and freemasonry), they simply get misled after that point.