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Adolf Hitler's Jewish Ancestry.
Adolf Hitler Had Jewish & African Ancestors.
DNA Tests Reveal Hitler's Jewish & African Roots.

Gallery ..

Image - Hitler Was a Jew.
DNA Proves Hitler was Jewish.
AH Frankist Jew & Founder of Israel.
Pink Police Gazette - Hitler Was a Jew.
Bronder - H & All of the Top Nazis Were Jews.
Adolf Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Dynasty.

"Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were: the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler; his representatives the Reichsminister Rudolf Hess; the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering; the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler; the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous Zionist Chaim Weizmann, the first head of the State of Israel who died in 1952); von Keudell; field commanders Globocnik (the Jewish destroyer); Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; the great SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active in the destruction of Jews." Before Hitler Came pdf, by German Jew Dietrich Bronder.

Sure he was a Jew.