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You guys talk about Jews like we used to in my MSN and Buzzen chat rooms in the 2000s

submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 5 monthsApr 18, 2024 13:45:11 ago (+1/-2)     (OccidentalEnclave)

I got into Jew hate shortly after the beginning of the new century after reading this book:


This book also turned me into a racialist.

Then in 2001 I opened Sen. McCarthy's Canteen with this user handle. There is at least one person here that remembers most of those years. And it got to the point that a Southern nationalist from Arkansas walked in one day and said "Joe, you should change the name of the chat here to 'Let's Talk About Jews".

He called himself Josey Wales - after the Clint Eastwood character, and he wanted to talk about his neo-Confederate kick but he had a point. All we did was talk about Jews. It became an all consuming obsession.

This went on for approximately six years until the French presidential election in 2007 - after which I left the internet for sometime. It wasn't long after my return that I started moving away from Jew obsession.

So try to understand my perspective here. Believe what you want - but it's not that I'm a Mossad spy. It's that I'm literally over a decade ahead of you in intellectual development. Well, that is for those of you that aren't glows. Kookifying the dialogue is a hardcore aim of fedposters.

11 comments block

I remember the Fascist Forum. It wasn't particularly that fascist though. There was also plenty of Communists, Maoists, hard left environmentalists, all types really. The Jew obsession became ridiculous. You had guys in rural Oklahoma who never met a Jew in their life frothing at the mouth after reading so much Nazi propaganda literature about 'The Eternal Jew'. Alot of it is just repackaged Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda.

I'm supposed to believe that 5 million Jews in Israel and another 5 in the US and a few hundred thousand globally, so just over 10 million Sheenies control the world. Let's forget all the Anglo-Saxon old money families, all the European aristocratic families, and let's just focus on the Jews. It's absurd.

But I think half the peoole here are in some way associated with the authorities and just playing a part. You cannot be purposely THAT stupid and manic about Jews unless it's part of the disruption strategy. And it works. Your whole forum is drowned by fake-Nazi fedposts. Most of the elite billionaires are not Jews.