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Microsoft testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu

submitted by Kozel to technology 2 weeksApr 12, 2024 21:20:37 ago (+12/-0)     (www.theverge.com)


What an incredible coincidence that they introduce ads in the official start menu around the same time that they begin blocking third party start menu replacements.

21 comments block

Kozel 0 points 2 weeks ago

Yes to avoid systemdick. I picked openrc, don't remember why. dinit seems to have more things available. For example, there's pipewire-pulse-dinit but not for openrc or s6. although arch aur has an openrc one. Anyway I just use this cheat sheet when I'm looking up instructions and they're written for systemdick https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRC_to_systemd_Cheatsheet