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St. Michael de Sanctis April 10th | Saint of the Day

submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 5 monthsApr 10, 2024 07:36:42 ago (+4/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


#St. Michael de Sanctis April 10th | Saint of the Day

Michael de Sanctis was born in Catalonia, Spain around 1591. At the age of six he informed his parents that he was going to be a monk. Moreover, he imitated St. Francis of Assisi to such a great extent that he had to be restrained. After the death of his parents, Michael served as an apprentice to a merchant. However, he continued to lead a life of exemplary fervor and devotion, and in 1603, he joined the Trinitarian Friars at Barcelona, taking his vows at St. Lambert's monastery in Saragosa in 1607. Shortly thereafter, Michael expressed a desire to join the reformed group of Trinitarians and was given permission to do so. He went to the Novitiate at Madrid and, after studies at Seville and Salamanca, he was ordained a priest and twice served as Superior of the house in Valladolid. His confreres considered him to be a saint, especially because of his devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and his ecstacies during Mass.

Continue reading: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=766

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1 comments block

Are saints a Christian thing? I always thought they were almost exclusively Catholic. Have to be verified with approved miracles from the pope... correct?