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I fucked up big time.

submitted by Not_a_redfugee to whatever 1 monthMar 14, 2024 07:55:59 ago (+68/-2)     (whatever)

Currently in the hospital with excruciating pain.
Yesterday after work i was just taking a few laps around my house on my dirt bike track. I hit a jump I made too fast, 12 o'clocked it in the air, bailed, landed on my feet and broke my femur and knee.
The thing is, I had already had both femurs and 15 other bones break when a car hit me like 7 years ago, so i have titanium rods above and below both knees already. My femur broke right above where a rod ends right at the top of my femur/below my hip.
Im so fuckin fucked. Not again. Not again. Not again. Ive been here before, felt this pain before and it fuckin sucks.
Pray for me plz.

85 comments block

Fuckin idiot. Get well soon. Get off those pain killers as soon as possible. You're too old to be fuckin around like this.