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Custom sort now works everywhere on matrix, also support for hidden from front and a few other things

submitted by x0x7 to x0x7projects 6 monthsMar 11, 2024 21:13:56 ago (+3/-0)     (x0x7projects)

Custom sort admittedly only impacted the front page when I first put it in. Now you can use it in sub and on users.

What is custom sort. It's like 'Hot' and 'New' had an infinite number of babies and you get to select that baby like IVF throwing out all the other fetuses.

To put it another way there's an algorithm and it has factors. How new something is, how many votes it's gotten, proximity which is basically if it is similar to other things you've upvoted. Right, the same as any other site. The difference is I let you control the weights of the factors. It's like if you went to google, and google has two factors they look at, relevence, and "authority" (how much it's from one of the top 20 sites on the internet), and google wasn't giving you anything relevant to your search. You could say fuck you, just give me what's relevent, fuck your authority bullshit.

Soon I plan to add bump as a factor.

Then I also just added hidden from front, which is like "Exclude from all" here. It probably won't get used much but it is there.

And then I just added support in settings for making animated thumbnails still. By default animated gifs are also animated in the thumbnail. Personally I like it. It makes the front page more.. animated. But a few users weren't fans so now there is a setting.


4 comments block

x0x7 0 points 6 months ago

It just shares the same name. I'll soon be changing it. I'm taking name suggestions right now.