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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 1 monthMar 11, 2024 06:53:52 ago (+1/-1)     (HDLunited)

Over the course of a partial lifetime, particularly the schooling years, one has a lot of people come & go through their life. Without exception, everyone on this planet experiences instances of a failed marriage/relationship or friendships.

One day you and the snotty nose neighbor kid are fishing together, playing mumbly peg with a bunch of other friends or doing whatever the good time involved, and then suddenly, the next day you're mortal enemies. 10 15 20 30years of friendship, gone, and usually not without some form of conflict, be it verbal or physical.

Business relationships or patronage to a political party or even a news paper or a periodical that expresses the same values and perspective as you do, all are a type of friendship and all are subject to the same course of fate, be it good or bad.

Such was a situation that I experienced after a long time patron of "THE PEOPLE'S CUBE" ...more specifically, PEOPLE'S CUBE founder "Oleg Atbasian".

8 or 10 years ago I was negotiating with Oleg for a "contributing editor" spot and to begin immediately. I submitted some of my "work" that I had going with a few "blogger" sites, which by the way, had as high as 85,000 views in a single day and from world wide.

After a week of evaluating my compositions, Oleg emailed me at 2.00 in the morning to inform me that my style and form are not conducive to the "CUBE BRAND"...I pretty much know exactly the piece that blew the "CUBE'S BRAND" out the window...Im not going to get into specifics, for obvious reasons, but I will state this, slandering muzzies and jews, subtly and indirectly is no different than slandering them straight up front and in their face.

Its not nice to allude to a specific source when it comes to the origins of the world's evil.

And now everyone knows that much.

2 comments block

Is he a jew????...I've thought that, just that the evidence never presented itself to that effect but even without the evidence I would speculate that he is...either way I dropped the CUBE like a hot potato and never went back, although I will state that the CUBE had/has a unique style that, maybe, the Babylon B comes close to.