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2 comments block

Go fuck yourself.

The Balfour Agreement signed in 1917, was created by zionists already in British cabinet such as Weizmann and Samuel.
There is no talk about the 1915 Anglo-French treaty to acknowledge the administration of colonial Arab territories, and yet you aren't calling French jews.
Or (((Lord Rothschild's))) recommendations as a draft declaration in July 1917 to the British War Cabinet archives.
Or that the White Paper in June 1922 had the House of Lords reject a Palestine Mandate that incorporated the Balfour Declaration for a jewish statehood by 60 votes to 25, with both parties actively hostile against any recommendations of a Zionist policy in British Palestine.
Or the reports into the 1936 arab strike, or 1936-1939 arab revolt leading to a royal commission including a detailed summary of the origins of the Balfour Declaration as the core of the problem that British parliament nor its people voted for.
The only sympathy they would receive was from American jewry.

"How about Palestine for us" ~ jews (from the vide)

Palestine wasn't even the first consideration, it was Syria but that was partly administered by the French at the time. The French cabinet collapsed 1yr into WWI and wasn't viable again until 1925. The Assembly of the Lague of Nations was formed in 1920, so it looks like other countries decided for England to requisition part of their colonial territory to resettle jews as a principle failure of other economic member states post WWI to act.

Anglo hate is White hate, go check yourself.