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When the ship Endurance under Shackleton was trapped in ice and the crew were starved and desperate, they took any source of food they could find, including penguins, but when they had to kill their dogs, they could not eat them because the dogs meant too much to them

submitted by Lost_In_The_Thinking to dogs 3 monthsJan 14, 2024 22:51:33 ago (+20/-1)     (dogs)

After the Endurance was trapped in ice, and when the ship's provisions were exhausted, the crew were left with whatever they could hunt, fish, and scavenge in the area. They were eventually forced to kill the dogs, some 22 of them, because feeding them took more resources than they could afford. It was after some deliberation that they needed to be killed to save the rest of the crew. With great sorrow this was done, and all of the crew were deeply affected because they all felt so close to them, and the man who volunteered was respected for this selfless act, because he felt the same way as the crew.

Even though the crew was having difficulty finding provisions to keep them alive, they refused to eat the dogs, believing they were noble animals, friends to the crew, and deserved better. I hope they are still there in the Antarctic, undisturbed forever.

19 comments block

The next time you're freezing, starving, stranded in the Antarctic, fighting for the survival of you and your crew mates, and you find yourself in a similar situation, you can be the judge of what they did. If you eat the dogs, come back and gloat. But I doubt you'd be comparable to any of the men of the Endurance and you would never qualify as a crewman. In the meanwhile, internet warrior, you're a waste of my time. Fuck off.