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RANT: I'm sick and tired of western women

submitted by sterling to whatever 4 monthsJan 3, 2024 10:39:58 ago (+29/-6)     (whatever)

You might say, "western women are the best" and call me a shill but are they really? They're obviously the most attractive, but beyond that they have been so susceptible to jew programming as to make them extremely dangerous to reproduce with. 80% divorce failure rate. No fault divorce. Dozens/hundreds of body count. Entitled. Stupid. Lazy. I'm fucking sick of them. The worst part is that they think they are right about feminism or being the same as men.

We know that this was pushed through jewish feminism and social media, but other races have not been as susceptible. I bet muslim women are just fine. Ditto for the Japanese, despite their shrinking population.

It's like a flaw (or, just a trait) in western genetics that have allowed jews to exploit this, and as a result the western population is significantly declining. There is no traditional marriage anymore. I think the jews won. They killed all the good men in WW1 and WW2, now they are preventing more from breeding through the pill, feminism, social media, porn and only fans. We can't undo this. I know that I certainly can't as an individual. When I go on a date with a bitch it's essentially me vs billion-dollar corporations and 20-years of brainwashing. Western women are absolutely fucked and there is nothing I am aware of that is undoing this damage.

You might say that I'm fat or poor or something, and that's why I'm complaining. FYI, I am in the top 1% for my age, weight and income. I'd like to believe I'm at least average looking but some girlfriends in the past complimented me for my looks. And yet it is impossible to attract anything more than a landwhale or 40-year-old used up whore - and even those act like they're doing me a favor. I am in my mid 30s, and in my younger years before I was RP'd I got a fair amount of action from attractive girls, but as I've gotten more conservative that just doesn't happen anymore.

I have also tried attending church (for several years actually) and found church women to be the exact same as non-church women, just without the sex. I.e, they still want to date around and date multiple men at the same time.

So even if I did snag one, I don't really think it's worth it to then spend the rest of my life working/worrying about maintaining the bitch lest she leave or cheat. I was at the store the other day and some lady was eye fucking me with her boyfriend right next to her. Unbelievable. Man, I'd rather go fishing. MGTOW is probably another jew psy-op but it's hard to say no to that.

I'm not really angry, so much as just annoyed: annoyed and disappointed with the retardation that is western women. They're gonna get what they deserve, so fuck 'em. If they're so stupid to fall for it then we may as well just enjoy the decline. There's nothing left to be done. As a last resort I'd consider a Japanese girl, but even that would be a victory because then it's a mixed-race baby and the western gene gets watered down. At least Japan is jew-free and nigger-free.

96 comments block

nibnab -1 points 4 months ago

I've seen a few posts touching on the reality that the vast majority of western women aren't remotely suitable for marrying or having children with. Despite anyone's just man-up bro BS, the only real alternative for the majority of white males is to hire an attractive young white surrogate and have as many white children as you can afford. Western women have become such a liability that even if you married a decent one, which you won't, the vast sum of money you would spend on them could easily pay for a surrogate, nanny, private school, college etc for the children. You can still date women without exposing yourself or your children to the nightmare that is the modern western female. Even in the good families I know, the father pretty much performed damage control to limit the amount of bs inflicted on the child. My grandmother was straight from the Hitler Youth and still managed to fuck up her family and children in no time flat.

This isn't some new phenomenon, Hitler's Lebensborn program was implemented because even in ultra based prewar Germany, the birth rate wasn't enough to overcome the avalanche of subhumans breeding in the rest of the world. These children did, by most reports, better then many children raised by their own mothers. The disturbing truth about evolution is that most modern mothers damage their children more then they benefit them. These are depressing black pills truths but nevertheless facts.
