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Poor things with emma stone is pure case of Jewish mental illness and mocks all things of beauty by making everything ugly

submitted by Crackinjokes to movies 4 monthsDec 26, 2023 12:04:29 ago (+17/-0)     (movies)

So I'm going to tell you what this film is so if some God awful reason you actually think you want to watch it because it just might be funny and odd well that's not what it is. As usual the trailer is very deceptive.

This film had to come out of a Jewish mind. A sick one that shows how they have no hope they feel like the world we live in is a useless soulless place and therefore they love to celebrate the most disgusting things about it. And they make things that are beautiful seem disgusting and trite like a heterosexual relationship between a man and a woman.

This movie is a very gory Frankenstein mixed with an Edward scissorhands mixed with an x-rated version of cabaret which was the movie with Liza Minnelli that one several academy awards that also celebrate celebrated perverse sexually deviant money interested people.

Emma Stone plays a character whose body was fished out of the river while pregnant and whose brain was replaced with the brain of her infant by her Frankenstein father figure who she calls God because his name is godwin. So you're already getting I guess the negative allegories toward God.

It's extremely graphic with openly autopsy bodies everywhere and of course the face of her God when guy they won't even show that in the trailers cuz no one would go see the movie if they did.

There's some guy that loves her because she's uninhibited because after all she's a baby in a full grown woman's body and she is not shy about wanting to fuck.

So the sexual Congress between a man and a woman becomes a political subject and of course eventually the man is made a mockery of and she makes the rather Jewish decision that there's nothing wrong with just having sex for money and goes into a brothel.

Oh but it gets worse. It's not enough that she's in a brothel with a madam who is just the epitome of the Jewish deranged person. I mean this woman is just the epitome of the nasty deranged money driven no morals Jew and of course she teaches the naive Emma Stone her Jew of why it's fine to reduce sex to a money making event.

Now of course all the sex with men in the brothel gets more and more disgusting. I mean you can't even imagine some of the creatures that they come up with that are men to have sex with her.

It is so bizarre and twisted that if you're heterosexual and you see this when you're young it literally might turn you off from sex at all.

Now I just have to say in passing although it's not as important it's almost it's almost a foregone conclusion these days that some little white girl like Emma Stone is going to get talked into being a naked slut. And she's fully naked in this movie having sex all the time. I mean she's fully naked and it's nothing to be excited about because all the sex is grotesque. literally in the truest meaning of the word grotesque. and let's face it she's nothing to be raving about in terms of her body.

So if you want to see a mentally ill woman as a representation of some kind of message put together by Frankenstein led by a moralless disgusting Jewish madam having the most perverse disgusting... and I'm not kidding here there's nothing kinky about this we're talking about men with grotesque disfigured faces crab walking across the ground while she's naked and fat ugly horrible looking man screwing her... well if you want to see that then that's this movie's for you.

Now of course there is one scene where she has some sex that is less disgusting and of course that's with the black woman who's also a hooker who goes down on her. she's not dis figured. She's not doing something disgusting other than being a black lesbian going down on a person it's not like the crab walking heterosexual freak that heterosexuality is played as. So you know there's that message again from Hollywood that interracial homosexuality is better than heterosexuality between a man and a woman. That comes across pretty clearly. And of course there's no money changing hands in the homosexual relationship so in that way that's depicted as somehow more pure than the heterosexual relationships. You just can't miss all these not so subtle indicators.

And of course the guy who falls in love with her played by Mark ruffalo is made out to just be a total fool and a pining whining man at the end and she just dominates him at the end.

It's just every Hollywood disgusting message rolled into one and it's a disgusting movie.

If you've ever seen the original Cabaret you'll kind of understand why the Jews just love this movie.

Jews love things that take the beauty out of anything. Jews just can't stand beauty. I don't know that their mind can even comprehend it. Of course they're a very ugly people and maybe that's why but I think it's a mental thing. And of course they don't believe in anything positive or high and so they're left with a very mortal existence that must seem very meaningless to them and just keeps them in a state of depression and so they just love to celebrate darkness and debauchery.

It's why they've never been any great Jewish artist who created beautiful work. no great Jewish painters that made beautiful work.
There's only the Jewish Jackson Pollock that slings a mess of paint on the wall that looks like it comes straight out of The scrambled Jewish mind. I swear these bastards are all fucking mentally just totally fucked up.

Anyway that's what that movie is and it's a lot of just disgusting scenes and horrific grotesque imagery.

It's what Jews love.

Because to them life is not beautiful they have no sense of beauty they can't create beauty they can only exploit others because they believe life is meaningless so there's no harm in exploiting everybody else.

Personally I'm sad to see Emma Stone doing this movie because she seemed like someone who would follow a different path and was genuinely funny in many other shows but I guess her agent or somebody talked her into doing this.

Well those of you have seen the movie Cabaret will not miss the parallels. This is Cabaret with more x-rated scenes and some Frankenstein put in.

It's homosexuals and midgets having sex and discussing discussions about how money makes the world go round with strange ugly little people in horrific makeup that makes them look even worse than they already do just like Joel gray in cabaret.

It's much more graphic but it has the same perverted disgusting Jewish people talking about money in a brothel and how basically money makes the world go round. And just dehumanizes sex and love. And mocks all beauty.

Don't go to this because you're a stupid young kid and you want to see Emma Stone naked. It'll turn you off from sex forever.

Don't go to this if you think it's going to be just an odd and quirky movie that might be interesting. It's much worse than that. As usual the trailer is completely deceptive.

Honestly just don't go to it. If you do go to it you'll probably regret that you gave them any money and made them think that it was successful in any way.

Instead go watch the old movie Cabaret which you can probably find for free somewhere and you'll get an idea of the perverse themes of this and the Jews and their men in weird makeup.
It just reminded me so much of that cross-dressing homosexual Jewish little faggot Joel grey in Cabaret that all the Jews just love so much.
If you don't know the movie then here's some images for reference.

Sick fucks.

I mean the woman is just disgusting in this Poor Things movie and she's just such a typical Jew. When she gets close to Emma Stone you just want to cringe.

Jews will destroy art.
they will destroy sex. they will destroy relationships. they will destroy beauty. They hate all of it. They hate anything that is happy.

This movie pretty much carries those themes through just about everything you can imagine.

Once again we see how Hitler made the correct observations about Jews and how apropos his display of the Jewish degenerate art was. Here we have more Jewish degenerate art.

I'll bet this wins a lot of academy awards from Jews because after all they are degenerate.

30 comments block

Ragnar 0 points 4 months ago

Whatever makes you lessen the guilt of shilling and lets you sleep at night