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Huntsville Reddit reacts like anti-Whites to Patriot Front "nazi" sign, replace it with heart sign

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 4 monthsDec 7, 2023 22:49:44 ago (+4/-1)     (www.reddit.com)


Huntsville is mostly White, and look at how they react to anything pro-White. The Jews own White people, making their minds hostile towards White ethnocentrism.

3 comments block

15MAR 0 points 4 months ago

A comment I noticed:

Love is superior to hate, categorically forever and always. It’s self-evident to anyone with half a functional brain and well-intended rationale. The subject matter of the original sign brings up nothing but hate speech and divisiveness no matter how innocuous it may appear at first glance on a pole.

There is no substance in what NPCs say, words mean nothing to them. This comment boils down to:

"Love is good because good people love many things, and hate is bad because it's against love."

Circular reasoning.

They don't see the logical discrepancy in statements like that, for instance that for love to even mean anything, you have to hate that which would destroy what you love. The most peace-loving man in the world would still have to hate the burglar that intends to do his family harm, if he truly loved them.

They preach love yet hate that which is against what they believe, proving the superiority of hate, and undermining their own ideology before anyone else had to.

I've heard it said that: "sanity is making your views align with facts, whereas insanity is trying to make facts align with your views." NPCs are categorically insane.