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Seattle police looking to identify man wanted for vandalizing Church of Scientology

submitted by Panic to Cults 5 monthsNov 30, 2023 10:32:48 ago (+4/-0)     (news.yahoo.com)


He struck in September. He struck again in October. He struck a third time in November. Determined fellow I must admit. Should just turn to arson and be done with them.

I've lived in Florida for over 20 years near their headquarters. I've fixed appliances in homes of many Scientologists and have read their books and literature. A most paranoid cult. I do wonder why our pal Foo doesn't have his fun with these cultists rather than with mainstream Christianity.

5 comments block

Instead of calling the cops they call the "church" and they would send over a scientology goon squad to try and intimated us into not repoing the vehicle. If that didn't work they would call some ambulance chaser shyster lawyer who would come and threaten us with lawsuits.

The scientology goon squads would occasionally follow us all the way back to the tow yard in St Pete and try to run some sort of "surveillance" on us.