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Jews know their survival and power and depends on public opinion

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 5 monthsNov 13, 2023 04:39:55 ago (+14/-0)     (WhiteNationalism)

That's why Jews fight so hard to control and influence public opinion about Israel, Hamas, and anti-semetism. They know everything depends on public opinion. As such, everything depends on mainstream media, because msm is what forms and informs public opinion.

White Nationalists simply have not tried hard enough to influence public opinion. WN have not fought like Jews fight, with a total unity in racial dominance, and towards the legal destruction of their racial enemies (Whites).

19 comments block

They will kill your ass if you try that shit.

I legit know, first hand, journalists who were killed for exactly what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately I cannot reveal their names because while it reveal my identity (though I'm not that particularly concerned), it would tarnish their reputation signficanrtly to be associated with "muh antisemitism/islamophobia/homophobia" etc.