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Waiting for @chrimomy to come tell us that the spread of Hellenism was merely a jewish plot used to create Christianity in order to oppress us this whole time

submitted by DeusExMachina to PaganInquisition 6 monthsNov 3, 2023 09:03:39 ago (+10/-3)     (www.britannica.com)


Come, @chrimony enlighten us all with your ironclad grasp on ancient history of the western world. Tell us about how the jews created the conditions for the development of both Christianity and Western Civilization then waited a couple thousand years before they finally got around to abusing it to our detriment. I, for one, am extremely curious and eager to learn this secret knowledge.

7 comments block

Love240 0 points 6 months ago

Where's the enlightenment, anti-Christ? Afraid to use what little intellect you've been given? Why can't you give an answer to the subject matter of the post?