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Conspiracy reddit be knowing! It's almost as if the US is completely controlled by a foreign entity. Read the comments!! "It's like a dog claiming that the tick is its greatest ally."

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to MeanwhileOnReddit 7 monthsOct 20, 2023 23:05:26 ago (+44/-1)     (www.reddit.com)


First I wanna say that I think the Conspiracy sub is gonna get gassed by see jews. The whole sub is nothing but noticing. There have been many complaints filed by jews this past week. Its a matter of time before the ADL demand reddit to oven the sub. Some of us have worked hard and been in many a battle over the years exposing these parasites and seeing it all unfold is very rewarding. We did it, bros

This is the greatest analogy ever. From a commenter: "It's like a dog claiming that the tick is its greatest ally." That sums up the jewish takeover of America. The more normies who figure this out and get mad, the better! We've come a long way to see this awakening. at least I know I have. I've spent countless hours all over the web since early internet days trying desperately to get people to see and it was mostly met with "OMG you anti-semite!! You ignorant, uneducated hick racist!". Our ship is coming in. The jews are fucked. I think in the next few years this shit will boil and jews will start losing powerful positions and control of most things. I really do. We have to do our part to keep the momentum going and get people to see the truth. I think normies are finally susceptible to the truth.

16 comments block

I accidentally got my old, good account smoked recently. I had too many windows open and hit post and cringed. I stayed in line with this certain account and redpilled lightly. My comment was about those niggers beating on whites with chairs at the dock. I went off. lol