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Sumbol, the ritual Europeans need to honor pur Gods, ancestors, and heroes

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to PaganFarmRemembers 8 monthsAug 21, 2023 13:30:19 ago (+2/-1)     (PaganFarmRemembers)

One of the main rituals of Asatru Paganism is called Sumbol. At Sumbol, a drinking horn is passed around the group three times for three rounds of toasting.

The first round, everyone chooses a God to honor, typically saying something about their virtues as well (Tyr's justice, Odin's wisdom, Eira's healing, etc.).

The second round honors a deceased ancestor, usually with some story about that ancestor or how they affected you. At the most recent Sumbol I participated in, we heard stories about a couple people's revolutionary war hero ancestors, a guy whose prohibition-era gangster grandpa left him a cool gun, a couple ladies talking about their tradwife grandmas teaching them to sew and cook, etc. As someone who wasn't raised with strong family values, this ceremony has forced me to pay my respects to my father for some of the good things he did and taught me, in spite of some of the shitlibby/shabbos things about him that annoyed me, and it's giving me a reason to look deeper into my family tree to find ancestors who were cool and based. Us Europeans need an excuse to remind ourselves and each other about the wonderful whites who made us.

The third round is more of a free for all. You can toast another God or ancestor, or a friend or hero (alive or dead). You can also make oaths, though that should be discussed with the group beforehand as an oath before a group is a serious thing. It gives people a chance to honor each other as well as the heroic ancestors of our past.

It's a great ceremony that reminds us all of the awesome past our people share, and ot lets you learn cool things about the values and history of the people you worship with. I was raised christian and never experienced a ceremony where people celebrated our history and ancestry the way Asatru Pagans do.

And the best part is, if you're doing Sumbol with the Asatru Folk Assembly, 100% of the amcestors and heroes toasted have to be of European heritage, no exceptions. Pro-white as fuck.

10 comments block

so, like i said originally before you displayed you nigger level reading comprehension and effeminate defensive emotional response, pagan philosophy! not religion.