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I'm hurting, Bro's

submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 9 monthsAug 19, 2023 22:15:18 ago (+37/-0)     (AnonWhatever)

My best friend died. He was one of the last people on Earth in my circle and that I trusted. Last time I seen him he was fine, then the next day he woke up and said his joints were hurting bad and he couldn't get out of bed so his wife thought he had the flu and let him sleep in. She checked on him a couple hours later and he wouldn't wake up so she called the bamberlamps. They took him to the hospital and they said he had a bad infection (sepsis) and slipped into a coma so they sent him by heli to a major hospital. They immediately put him on life support. They said the infection was attacking all of his organs.

After 4 days they told his wife to make end of life plans and that he wouldn't survive. He had sepsis and they couldn't get any antibiotics to work. He remained in a coma for 34 days and then he woke up. Entropy had set in and his mind wasn't working right to the point that I thought he had brain damage. It was hard standing by his bed seeing that. I asked him if he knew who I was and he said "yes, you're my brother". So then they transferred him to a different hospital/rehab place I guess to keep him comfortable until he died. 5 days after arriving at this place they took out his trach and he could whisper. He remembered us and everything but it was like he had a brain injury. A few days later he seemed to be getting better and we started getting our hopes up. He wanted to sit up and was talking more and could finally move his hands and hold water to drink it. I felt good leaving there that day thinking that maybe he was gonna pull through.

The very next day his wife said he woke up and had a very clear mind and seemed almost normal for most of the day. Then that evening he coded three times and passed away. He was 51. I can't even process it. My best friend isn't on this planet anymore. I'll miss talking to him on the phone and hearing him berate Biden and leftists. He hated them with a passion. He was one of the good ones. The town methhead is healthy, though. That MF'r will probably live to be 100.

30 comments block

My best friend dropped dead of a brain aneurysm a few years ago. Just dead. It hurt for about a year. Still does just not as much. It's hard man. I eventually got a dog and she's my best friend. Maybe this sounds dumb or won't help you out. There's a future after the pain. Hang in there man.