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Perspective on the Trannies in women’s sports nonsense

submitted by Portmanure to culture 9 monthsJul 15, 2023 21:27:45 ago (+3/-0)     (culture)

Remember the puppy bowl? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_Bowl

Let’s put this in perspective, I don’t want to come across as a misogynist (but if you call me out, I’ll probably agree, love the ladies!) allowing males who identify as a women to compete in women’s sports is the same as letting a full grown German Shepherd who identifies as a puppy to compete in the puppy bowl.

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The only way to make this fair is to make it mandatory that all NFL teams must field 50% women. That will be funny as hell and I’d watch it. (Any team that can’t do that forfeits.) The NBA would be just as hilarious.