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9 comments block

x0x7 1 points 9 months ago

If you want to participate in combat and survive and invest in it ahead of time I would say drones. Both sides are going to have them. If one side does and the other side doesn't then the side that doesn't is as good as dead. So you can bet on having drones if winning is a consideration anyway. So the best way for you to survive personally is to be the guy operating the drone rather than the guy being targeted by the drone.

And you say, oh, you want to be a coward who fights behind the lines or doesn't move with the main group and doesn't want to contribute? No. You are contributing. You are contributing a lot. You are contributing so much that's why you are worth keeping safe, because of how much you contribute.

If you don't have skills you are only good for being sent to the meat grinder, so that's what will happen. If you have skills and equipment that other people didn't think about you get a different situation and you actually do more to combat the enemy. Get good with drones. Get good with coms. Own them. Have thermals. You can be put someone relatively more safe than your buds, and also keep your buds alive.