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It's already over

submitted by SignedUp to BlackPilled 10 monthsJul 1, 2023 20:40:49 ago (+2/-2)     (BlackPilled)

By the time the mainstream is aware of all the (((fuckery))) going on the past 10 years and their rights being taken away and they're finally waking up up and finally ready to rise up (if it'll happen at all), it'll be too late and they'll be enslaved like cockroaches. The resistance is so small right now. You need the mainstream to actually make a change.
inb4 muh doompost, "just give up goy"
Nah, just a factual conclusion. Keep fighting, keep resisting, I am too, but without mainstream support we won't win.
Be mad, downvote, but it is a fact.

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deleted 0 points 9 months ago
