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34 comments block

3Whuurs -4 points 11 months ago

You’re supposed to accept that you were made with free will and the cognitive ability to systematically use your senses to be able to dissect the order and meaning of the universe and everything in it.

Grammar (who, what, when, where)
THEN logic (why)
THEN rhetoric (how).
Gather info with your senses and weed out any contradictions,
THEN come to a conclusion based on (hopefully) increasingly reasonably degrees of certainty.
THEN articulate how.
ALWAYS in that order.

Then you’re supposed to believe the one that made you with this ability demands you accept everything Jews (or whoever wrote the Bible) claim about it is true FIRST, THEN go about pretending what you’re doing isn’t just confirmation bias as you read the shit out of your 1 book you’ve already agreed to pretend is right about everything.
Honour your god and subvert your own senses goy…