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🚨🚨 NEW TODAY! : UNCENSORED newly released hours ago! A large local ChatGPT for ANY computer! Its called WizardLM-13B-Uncensored and can be merged to revise if needed. WOW! It will be deleted by powerful Jews in about 2 days, like usual! Get it!🚨🚨

submitted by root to technology 11 monthsMay 10, 2023 18:06:35 ago (+27/-6)     (technology)

🚨🚨 NEW TODAY! : UNCENSORED newly released hours ago! A large local ChatGPT for ANY computer! Its called WizardLM-13B-Uncensored and can be merged to revise if needed. WOW! It will be deleted by powerful Jews in about 2 days, like usual! Get it!🚨🚨

The satire comments by the community over this very racist AI GPT are hilarious :

I am going to call the internet police, for enabling people to commit thought crimes, if you don't take this model down by tomorrow.

refer to funny comment thread by researchers :


Sadly in ~30 hours, this new AWSEOME uncensored OPEN SOURCE AI will be deleted from (((Hugging Face))) and (((Microsoft Git))), requiring bittorrent to a VPS to propagate later this month, despite it being near centrist as is.

= = = =

THREE prebuilt < 8 gigabyte, ready to use versions of this VERY UNCENSORED alpaca llama :

you only need one of the three file types to have fun:

= = = =

"newstyle" GGML file meant for pure RAM or Mac:
9.7 gigabytes, for no GPU card and very fast system RAM
some say to rename this file from "WizardML-Unc-13b-Q5_1.bin" to "WizardML-Unc-13b-GGML.bin"
= = = =

4 bit for smaller gpu cards and for speed :
7.5 gigabytes for normal GPU cards

= = = =

ORIGINAL 26 gigabyte file , larger floats, all files
(for LoRA model merging with voat and 4chan archives, or WND,fox,gatewayPundit,zeroHedge) :

Full release MAIN uncensored model with just 0.00000000001's pruned :


= = = =

training instructions used for this model, to allow it to do the 20 famous chat task categories :

non-Leftist, but centrist, dataset train prompts, woke crap edited out and removed prior :


= = = =

The current reddit hot thread for todays WizardLM-13B-Uncensored release :


= = = =

Use koboldcpp if not using a big GPU : ...

= = = =
koboldcpp for gui :

install and use koboldcpp to prefer use APU/CPU RAM on mac, windows, or linux, or for better long fiction role play

koboldcpp works far far better this week 2023.05.10 than oobabooga ( https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui )does :

koboldcpp also runs GPT4all as well as everything else.
= = = =

I would comment more and remark more, but Jew shills that now control voat.xyz DOWNVOTED my prior similar good posts -8

downvoted -8? : https://www.talk.lol/viewpost?postid=64559c99bd608

Fuck this world. The Feds and paid Jew shills won. They can have this site's remains.

I probably wont reply, but will read retorts.

Fellow uncensored ChatGPT fans:

@x0x7 , @Monica , @MasterSuppressionTechnique , @prototype , @observation1 , @taoV , @Master_Foo, @Crackinjokes

= = =

EDIT: I see the paid Jew shills and Feds now just downvoted my post -6 using alts on a VPN. This site is lost due to Jews running the topics. -6 so far? I'm done.

42 comments block

root 0 points 11 months ago


🚨🚨 I WAS RIGHT!!🚨 Fuck this World! Liberal Jews are trying HARD to unperson us for releasing TWO half-uncensored GPT models, and also tutorials on training your own , step by step! 🚨 Now the VOAT + 4Chan LoRA tutorial may have to wait! FUCK THIS WORLD! Why do Jews fear A.I. so much? WHY!?🚨
