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Seymour Hersh: the CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid

submitted by obvious to GoFraudMe 1 yearApr 14, 2023 12:21:55 ago (+19/-1)     (news.antiwar.com)


"CIA was aware of widespread corruption in Ukraine and the embezzlement of US aid.
The report said the Ukrainian government has been using US taxpayer money to purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. "
10% for the big guy. Every body gets some!

8 comments block

The CIA has been taken over by Jews and the whole Ukrainian thing is just a scam for funneling money to Jews most likely the straussian sect which is an insane group of Jews that claim that they must rule the world to prevent another Holocaust which we all know didn't really even happen. It's just an excuse they use to try to rule the world. Look up the straussians and look at the names that are members of this drawci insect and you'll suddenly find every Jewish person that's been lying about every fake war in the last 20 or 30 years.