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Coming Soon? zogbots Getting "Confessions" on Video? Always Lawyer Up. Make Sure the Lawyer Brings Independent Video Recording.

submitted by localsal to Zogbots 1.2 yearsMar 2, 2023 08:01:48 ago (+11/-0)     (Zogbots)

Always lawyer up. Teach this to everyone. Especially now that zogbots will start to use new tactics against anyone.

zogbots love to use (((enhanced interrogation))) methods already, and several high profile cases have been showcased where confessions were false afterwards. Imagine how many low level plebs have fallen due to these interrogations?

Now the game is even more rigged. If the only recording of the 16+ hour "interview" is under the zogbot control, what jury will ever doubt that the accused confessing - even if the accused says the recording is a deep fake?

Claims of deep fake will probably be made by both sides now, but juries will probably still tend to believe zogbots and video over an innocent person.

I would probably carry a large piece of paper in my pocket at all times with the word "lawyer" on it now too, considering that it only takes a minimal amount of audio capture to generate any realistic audio deep fakes. Don't say a word. Just write or produce the paper that says "lawyer".

Lawyers need to get 360 degree recording devices now (potential product market?) that will record the zogbots and the accused at the same time with timestamps, etc, that can be used as proof for the actual interview.

10 comments block

localsal 0 points 1.2 years ago

I can't wrap my head around that hypocrisy. To have the "RIGHT" (is this a Natural Right? or just a (((government))) granted "right"?) to remain silent, but in order to exert that right, one must speak?

What happens if no words are ever said? Is that a crime? Being arrested and saying nothing can then lead to charges of not answering questions??

Gotta be something dreamt up by the filthy kikes.