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Now that we have "freedom of speech" on twitter...

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Ideas_for_twitter 1.2 yearsJan 31, 2023 13:04:48 ago (+3/-0)     (Ideas_for_twitter)

It would be really interesting to get #jail_them_or_jail_you trending on there.

The idea being to get the average "right winger" to realize the republicans should be jailing the dems, but are not, and thus should be jailed themselves.

While it's obvious to us that reps and dems are just two sides of the same coin, it needs to be explained to the average republicans, and with all the twitter file and biden evidence in the mainstream at the moment, I see no better opportunity to do that, than now.

7 comments block

Who told you there was free speech on Twitter? I was suspended for saying negro