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Elements of the u.s. government will drop a nuclear weapon on a major u.s. city before or on May 26th.

submitted by prototype to chatter 1.3 yearsJan 26, 2023 01:46:50 ago (+16/-5)     (chatter)

The cities they will target will likely be in the following list:

New York.
Nashville, Tennessee
St. Louis, Missouri
San Francisco
Miami Florida

The weapon will specifically be nuclear, not biological, not chemical.

1. the dollar and the euro are both going down in flames, in competition

2. every nation that backed their currency by gold or oil and didn't cooperate with the u.s., we
eventually went to direct war with

3. every move by the u.s. appears to be bankrupting and destroying us on the national stage.
We are partially being given our commands from outside nations.

4. NATO is not entirely cooperating with going to war with russia. If the intent was to bankrupt
and weaken europe (to prevent competition with the u.s.) then the euro must fail. It is not failing
fast enough, and NATO is hesitating too much. Any bombs or weapons dropped on europe will result
in american and allied involvement being exposed. Therefore they cannot go this route

5. this is very likely the reason why we saw early rumors spread about this very thing happening:
"nuclear bombs being dropped in europe" and talk about nuclear material being smuggled into london--
it is a distraction, a look-of-there moment.

6. therefore we will have to go to war directly with russia. The public does not support this.

7. in every world war, germany was used as the lever.

8. it is being used again as the lever.

9. but in both incidents we had major false attacks.

10. if a false attack comes, it cannot be in europe, because it would only make americans more
hesitant and fearful of involvement. Plus its too distant. it would not rally the NIMBY types,
who rather say "not our problem" even if they virtue signal publically about supporting ukraine.
They don't want fallout in their backyard. Therefore in order to get them into such a war,
that is what it will take to motivate them. That and nothing less

11. If the "deaths are ramping up from the vaxx" rumors are true, and it wasn't just a sterilization shot,
but part of a mass die off, then this makes everything prior to this bulletpoint significantly more likely. If the vaxx IS a sterilization shot, they will need an excuse for why people are becoming infertile, "fallout" will be that excuse.
heres why..

12. As the deaths or infertility ramp up they will need a gargantuan distraction. Many times the casualty rate of 9/11.
Lets say 100-250k people (or more) dead.

13. A nuclear bomb satisfies this more controllably, and more readily, than an outbreak. The outbreak
narrative failed. An attack of this type is completely unprecedented on the u.s., and with all the
rumors of "cyberattacks", and "new bioattacks", it makes all of these events less likely, and
all the unstated events, nuclear attacks, more likely the angle of approach.

14. inflation rates are now terminal, so there is a limited window to enact the "cleanest dirty shirt" strategy.
Which requires either that the economic hemispheres (east and west) are entirely severed, thus isolating
and limiting the risk of on-shored cash causing a greater crash--or for the financial order to be completely
upset, such as an american lead war in europe, in direct confrontation with russia.

15. lots of war deaths would cover the vaxx deaths.

16. fallout will be blamed for vaccine damage

17. new stricter masking, and other measures, will become mandatory and federally enforced with
lockstep state support, and various levels of control to prevent blowback. "masks protect against fallout",
Iodine pills available to the public, as rations from the government, will also double as the vaccine.

18. Russia will be blamed for providing the weapons, while the left and militant black groups will be
blamed for the attack. This is to radicalize them, through persecution, against the right.

19. The left will double down on anti-russian sentiment, and become that more verocious in their support
of the u.s. regime, as a psychological reflex to being called terrorists.

20. this will morph into the patriot act on steroids, which in addition to tearing down
old leftwing activism, will, after a period of gloating and rightwing support (because they'll be
going after the left), will expand to going after the right as well.

21. Except for brief and scattered state or regional outages, power and communications will stay on
or be restored after as little as a week, and two weeks for any multi-state regional outage.

22. We will see reports of anyone question the narrative, being aggressively assaulted by individuals,
and outright attacked on occasion by small mobs. This will be very frequent, and will be targetted
against anyone questioning the masks, the pills, the curfews, any new censorship, or anyone who
has doubts about how the attacks happened or who carried them out.

23. Car tires will "carry fallout", likewise trucks, and thus will be limited to essential travel only.

24. to "prevent further attacks" TSA will be expanded to busses, and random (but limited) checkpoints
that are temporary in nature, but larger and disruptive, in order to push a new normal. The military
will be brought in on a "limited bases" to handle these larger checks, but will not be deployed on
a regular basis

25. as this is happening, the war effort will be rolling out. To shore up "production shortages" the governors
offices will pledge the weapons in national guard armories. They will empty them out in practice, without
replacing them.

26. As the war heats up, there will be talk about survivalist/terrorist "hoarders", with too many bullets,
that could be used for the war effort against russia. There will be talk about ammunition taxes
(based on "asset appreciation").

27. We will see greater restrictions, registration, paperwork, cost, and fees for backyard gardens and
amateur farm operations (chickens, pigs, goats, etc), as well as a handful of raids against
"illegal farming" every month widely publicized and hyped on the media. Part of this will be to
prevent "hobbyists from contaminating the food supply with fallout", i.e. chickens picking at bugs,
or cows eating contaminated grass. It will be expensive to have food checked, and so many farms
will shut down, funneling business to only major approved megaoperations, much like was done
with walmart during the covid lockdowns. This fearmongering also pulls doubleduty to choke off
any mom-and-pop gardnerers by making the public too scared to buy food grown by their neighbors
"potentially contaminated with fallout."

28. we will see a huge resurgence in "nazism" in the u.s., almost exclusively federally funded and
directed. Not more than x20 times its current hardcore followers.
This is to siphon of political, social, and military willpower from any consolidated public dissent
or public support for resistance against the new normal.

29. As all of this is going on, we will see a wave of terrorism across europe, and cyberattacks
against their infrastructure, forcing them to rely on american and chinese support.

30. there will be no door to door gun confiscations, just constantly, intentionally spread rumors about it.
instead we will see enormous roll back of existing wins in the courts, followed by outrage and
widely circling talk and fear about confiscations. Oddly, the confiscations will largely not come.

31. Gas will either go to $7-8 a gallon as we tap out the SPR, and sell of mining rights to major
national forests and nature reserves in order to pay for more, or oil will go to $150-200, as gas
reaches $5-6 a gallon nationwide. This is to keep people hurting and waiting for the worst, while
it holds steady at the new normal and crunches them hard so they start strongly limiting their
economic activity.

32. rent moratoriums are made permanent in some areas at first, and then rolled out by several states
with talk of big "court battles."

33. The courts appear to shoot down the moratoriums, while in practice leaving huge loop holes, or
only saying it is up to the states to decide. This was the precedent set with abortion.

Other reasons for the u.s. to become directly involved (necessitating a major attack on u.s. soil):
1. the presidency is decrepit, and whoever controls the executive has little time. To assure their weakest-minded (and thus easiest influenced) asset is still in place when europe, russia, or the u.s. goes down, they will have to move on whatever their plan is before the next elections. That at minimum puts a 1-2 year upper limit on any major turn of events.

2. the war effort in ukraine is risking exhaustion and thus loss of momentum. There is not
the public will to expand further currently, so if the war exhausts supplies on both sides, it won't easily be restarted. The break out of peace is the greatest threat at this time to the u.s. dollar (the second is the war itself). A multi-polar world once established will be almost impossible to put back in a box, so the dollar will fail anyway. This is the straussian's thinking. All or nothing. On this basis they will in fact move to strike within russia, even using the u.s. to do it directly.

3. On this basis they will likely attack a russian ally, maybe turkey, or iran, in order to force russia into a multifront war, or abandoning its allies, which would pretty much open a pandoras box of questions about whether its place in BRICS and thus the alliance itself, is a solution to USD replacement.

4. the gun rights movement is cohesive, and economically consolidating. They are succeeding, wherease all the cohort politicians and NGOs which succeeded in rolling 2A back, are geriatric and failing. Breaking the gun rights movement is key to breaking civic nationalism, and in turn balkanizing the u.s. Therefore there is a limited 10 year window where this can happen if the regime wants to win total control over the u.s. and plunder both europe and russia while maintaining a unipolar world.

5. Control of food is always the playbook, and therefore control of energy is essential.
All aspects of modern life, have been policed at one point or another in u.s. culture.
We've seen the examples on youtube. We've read the articles. We've seen the actions by the DOJ. The strategy of death by papercut can and does work, and they will ramp it up enormously much like they did with the drug war. if its just a $200 fine or "permit" for chickens, how many people are going to get into a militant confrontation with city or county authorities? Even if all their neighbors are going through similar things on a dozen different aspects of life, if the strategy attacks ALL aspects of being able to live, the problem becomes psychologically too diffuse and too LARGE for any one person or group to reason about, and so the public can and will go along with it. This can and will work. This is how they will do it. How do I know this? Because this was the strategy perfected in new zealand and australia.

A nuclear attack on the u.s. is very likely (60-70%) coming within the next four months, and then massive lockdowns and persecution.

Prepare accordingly.


On this basis, if russia is going to be blamed for an attack on america, their best and only chance to control the narrative is to be the ones to actually carry out such an attack, and I predict this is what they are already considering. This would explain recent talk of russia esp "the u.s. are the only country in history to drop nukes on another country."
I do not think, if russia carried this out, that they would do so directly, but would use a proxy, such as iran or an eastern european proxy.
By doing it this way, instead of the u.s. forcing a multifront war on russia, russia could force a multifront war on america while denying america a reason to enter the war.
(a third party country not directly tied to russia would be the candidate "responsible" for attacking america).

Ideally this candidate would be selected in such a way that it most complicates the american relationship to NATO, with as minimal ties to russia as possible.

Both iran and turkey offer plausible deniability in this regard, but syrian and lebanese agents also fit the bill simply because it plays on the distraction element while working with americas own conceptions of the middle east due to 9/11. This pulls double duty because it pushes countries which are indecisive, into russia or chinas sphere of influence in order to find security from the americans and israelis.

However, if russia does NOT act in this manner, there can be no doubt they are run by fools. because america will undoubtedly bomb itself, picking the heartland for maximum psychological impact, consolidating control, re-stabalizing itself, and justifying a full blown nato war against russia.

This exact model is what informed my decision to predict that russia WOULD invade ukraine early on. When all the experts, and I do mean all of them, including people on the right, said russia would not. The thinking went that if the war was bound to happen, then it was infinitely preferable for Russia to choose the result on their terms.

I predict they will make the same choice as before.

47 comments block

"You forgot to post this in “shit I made up and have zero reason to believe”.. "

If I wanted to do that I would have posted it to v/all