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The Arctic blast is arriving as a concentrated migration of cockroaches arrive at the southern border.

submitted by Laputois to Beaners 1.8 yearsDec 19, 2022 07:25:51 ago (+22/-0)     (nypost.com)


Weather can be a great barrier. Its why its rare to see killer bees or red ants north of the Mason-Dixon. The potato's open order and the suspension of Title 42 on December 21st has overwhelmed the bleeding heart shelters and the beaners are sleeping on the street just as temps will be hitting freezing. The potato administration is diverting millions to shelters at the border but it takes time to create spaces to house them.

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Our government~ You and me will just buy them some Patagonia’s Levi’s and Carharts and ship them off to your neighborhood’s chapter of Catholic Charities.
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