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13 comments block

Belmont -2 points 1.4 years ago

If you want to get rid of them, there's the GAPS diet which heals your gut, where the immune system is based dominantly. It would require grain- and processed-food free cooking for potentially a couple years.

having been on GAPS for almost ten months I started to super slowly decrease my doses...

I have had no problems breathing and have been off asthma medication since September 2010. I had one cold a few months later with some slight wheezing and used my rescue inhaler and the next cold I had no breathing problems whatsoever. I have not had a cold since.

As for my allergies, they are also gone. I can tell when it's “that time of the year” because most of my coworkers suffer from allergies. They are sneezing, wheezing, clearing their throats, coughing and taking medications both prescription and over the counter while I am breathing clearly. No clogged sinuses, no sneezing, no scratchy throat, no symptoms whatsoever. And Matthew no longer has to do breathing treatments since he has been on GAPS.

