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@blumen4alles wants everyone here to know that you'd better *watch your mouth* when posting on this site or the. government will show up at your door and arrest you. Even your milquetoast comments can get you arrested so watch out, and abandon any plans of fighting back.

submitted by osomperne to WarningShotsToTalk 1.6 yearsSep 28, 2022 10:56:07 ago (+3/-15)     (www.voat.xyz)


You have been warned.

This is a warning from the US government. You better hide your guns so effectively so as to be useless in a time of need as well, if you're not going to get rid of them entirely. If You're not allowed to post comments here, then you are definitely not allowed to use your guns or weapons.

They WILL come to your door and we know what you've got and who you are. You have been warned.

This is all an escalation of the warning shot delivered here https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63345ddc61439 by @@Joe_McCarthy

14 comments block

deleted 1 points 1.6 years ago
