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Universal Expansion is fake... Based on bad interpretations

submitted by anon to SpaceIsFake 1.9 yearsJun 4, 2022 10:46:17 ago (+4/-4)     (SpaceIsFake)

There is a huge misinterpretation of what the Cosmic Red Shift is, and this leads to the stupid idea of the infinitely expanding universe. Standard model claims that light is undergoing a doppler effect thus, the universe is expanding at a rate so fast at the "far edges of space" that it actually shifts the frequency of light towards the red spectrum. This is an absolutely retarded assumption.

In reality the cosmic redshift is due to an aspect that literally all waves (other than light apparently) have. Varied attenuation. Over long distances high frequency waves (bluer in the case of light) attenuate faster than low frequency waves(redder). Thus at further distances away, things have a lower frequency.

You don't even need space to be fake or ether to exist for this. This is true in the standard model; According to current science, space is not a pure vacuum... IE space dust etc. Why wouldn't this attenuate the light in the same way that sound waves are attenuated in the atmosphere? Especially over these long cosmic distances?

The doppler effect of light is as retarded as noting that an earthquake sounds deeper the further away from the epicenter you are, and then assuming that the epicenter of the earthquake must be moving away from you at a significant portion of the speed of sound.

11 comments block

ah.. I see. good to know.