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submitted by WillisJaxson to Gardening 2.4 yearsMay 12, 2022 22:47:36 ago (+47/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Was out mowing the yard when a bit of red caught my eye on the pomegranate bush. I bought a couple bare root plants a few years back, basically looked like a little stick with some roots dangling off the end. One didn't make it through the first winter, but the other kept struggling back the past few years. The bush is now a little over 6 feet tall, and this is the first time it's flowered/fruited. I'm pretty pysched about it. Hopefully, I'll have a picture to share this fall of a mature fruit.

11 comments block

forgetsu 1 points 2.4 years ago

Looks like an upside-down tomato alien.