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Most gentiles with money and power are aware of the kike

submitted by HeyJames to whatever 2.4 yearsApr 25, 2022 02:01:50 ago (+31/-1)     (whatever)

They choose, however, to work with the kike and take his handouts in exchange for silence

You really think most rich assholes worth over $100M or politicians at governor level and above aren't aware of the names and backgrounds of the people who finance them and require tribute?

Comfort is a dangerous drug. Common criminality and comfort are used to control them from ever going back on their promise of loyalty.

30 comments block

Majiqai 8 points 2.4 years ago

I’ve come to realize practically everyone knows about the JQ to some extent. Basically everyone I’ve ever broached the subject with understood that they are greedy liars that hate everyone except other jews. Even the jews I know agree. I just think that most people don’t know or care enough about geopolitics to understand that this tribe isn’t just in an enclave adjacent to their neighborhood- it’s a global entity.