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MuWire - Distribute files using advanced i2p

submitted by Aetherian to DissidentLiterature 2.6 yearsFeb 1, 2022 12:43:45 ago (+1/-0)     (MuWire.com)


μWire was designed to support anonymous file sharing. It uses i2p to share the files, or collections of files. i2p is a more advanced protocol than TOR. It doesn\'t rely upon a centralized entity and is released under a Free licence. \r\n \r\nGoats in this community who care about archiving and data availability ought to take a look and try seeding and downloading some content. \r\n \r\nThere is an example of a collection of David Irving books on MuWire here: \r\nUHcDbqpcw94VXGcL10p1GnZ7VRhGWpbDcmfwGj4iNyE=

8 comments block

Thanks for researching MuWire and for your great comments.

Speed - MuWires increased anonymity comes in part at the expense of speed. There are a couple of settings you can adjust which might help the situation, in addition to encouraging other people to use MuWire:

options-configuration-bandwidth-inbound bandwidth

Chat - From the tabs at the top pick "Chat", then at the bottom click "Start Chat Server". On the left near the top, click on "Console". In the text dialogue box at the bottom, type /HELP

You can join the #muwire channel by typing /join #muwire

I agree that the first encounter with the interface is a bit overwhelming. It is the same if you haven't used it for a while. Once you try it a little bit, you get the hang of things very quickly and see it is a nice GUI. Try the darcula theme.

Collection - the hash for the collection didn't paste properly for some reason. Here is a hash for the beta of MuWire being distributed through MuWire. That file ought to remain available. hopefully the hash will paste ok:


Neutrality - I was able to change status to and from neutral.

Popular - that is a good idea. There could be a "popular" hash too, a screencast of how to use MuWire.

I think some users on MuWire are a bit reclusive and don't want to publish to others till they see some publishing beforehand so do keep trying. Leaving the client running helps discovery. If you live in a very remote place, using a VPN in a more populated area might help.