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Today I was thrown out of yet another eye doctors office for refusing to wear a mask. I have no words to express my rage, but maybe talking will help.

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.3 yearsJan 24, 2022 21:18:59 ago (+58/-1)     (whatever)

I got lasiks about 2.5 years ago, just before this plandemic bullshit started. I was very pleased with the results at first, but after about 4 or 5 months my left eye failed. It now has extreme triple vision, blurriness and fog. Its unusable, and it is interfering with my life. I tried going back to the original doctor that did the procedure, as they explained that touch-ups and do-overs aren't unheard of, and are free. I did everything I could to get in without a mask, I said all the lines, here is my card, argued. Nothing worked. Eventually three women came from out of the back to tell me in no uncertain terms I would not be served without a mask or a face shield.

I want my fucking eye back, but I WILL NOT COMPROMISE. Not now, not ever. I will die before I wear a mask. So I left, raging, demoralized, spiting curses and venom at everything and nothing all the way home, black thoughts filling my head all the while, many of them richly deserved.

I sat on it for a long time. Work is relentless, and I have no time to even grocery shop let alone make and keep appointments. Fast forward to today. I've finally called all over the upper half of my state, checked websites for indications of mask policy, talked to the secretaries on the phone. Most of them were a hard no on the mask, so I moved on. FINALLY, I found a site that looked ok, no indication of patient mask requirement. I called them, not a word about the masks, but experience has taught me not to bring it up, its much too easy to tell someone no over the phone. It is the default policy, so I don't ask, and just show up.

The day finally comes. The roads are a mess, I drove four wheel drive all the way there. Sign on the door, that's absolutely everyone so no big deal. They checked me in, not a word about the masks. They took me into the back, not a word said. I'm gold I thought. We stepped into the exam room and the nurse tells me she will get me a mask. "I cannot, and will not wear a mask or a face shield." She says ok and excuses herself for a moment. I stew, hoping against hope it won't be a big deal. Three minutes later in walk three fucking women, AGAIN. Fucking bastards. I know its already over, but I'll be damned if I don't speak my peace. We argue. I give reasons. The masks don't work, says so right on the box. The narrative is collapsing, even the media are starting to admit it. Nothing worked, of course. They said it is our policy, I called them lairs. I said they don't have any ability to choose, that has been taken from them. That got them. They changed "our policy" to the CDC requires us too... blah blah. "And is the CDC here now? In this room with us!?" I said. The answer was still no. It was always going to be no.

There was so much more I may of said, about the medical tyranny we are all being dragged down into because people like you[them] won't grow a spine. Or I may have told them they are all carrying water for evil people who are pushing a lie on us on that is become increasingly impossible to ignore. Hell, even normals in the media are fed up. These, and about ten other things just as pointed were swirling around in my head. But I was fighting to keep the rage from my voice, and I so settled for saying "You people disgust me. You are all miserable wretches."

I left. Black with rage, wishing to do things I can't speak about, fighting for control. I WANT MY EYE BACK. These weakling coward fucks, carrying water for evil, psychopathic tyrants have denied me my eye. AGAIN. And all of it over a stupid, transparent lie.

There are no words to capture my hate.

I am demoralized, but I understand that is the whole point. To break us, over years if needed.

But I will not break.

Fuck you, and thanks for listening to me vent niggerfaggots.

57 comments block

Lawyer up... The first doctor should be doing the touch ups... I'm sure that when you originally got it done, you signed some lengthy contract about services and stuff.... Nowhere in that contract did it say anything about pandemics and other hoaxes.

Go over the contract, EVERY WORD, and then have a Convo with the doctor about his policy on breaking contracts.