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Sad dead indian story from Canada is horse shit

submitted by PostWallHelena to Canada 2.4 yearsJan 14, 2022 15:32:22 ago (+26/-0)     (www.dorchesterreview.ca)


You guys remember these claims that 215 indian kids in a catholic residential school in Canada were dumped in a mass grave?

No one has even attempted to exhume these bodies. We don’t even know if they are bodies, let alone whether they are indians or children, or how they died. All we know is there’s probably an old graveyard near a church because a scan with ground radar found “anomalies”.

Kids were put in that school because their parents were drunkards who beat them or neglected them or worse. “Chief” Rosanne Casimir is a larper and a scammer. There’s no evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever by the school. Another hoax of supposed white atrocities. Dig it up, feather faggots!



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