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submitted by UncleDoug to Talk 2.3 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:04:52 ago (+5/-2)     (Talk)

If I wasn't banned from debate in the sub redpills, I'd tell you why Sewell and especially that video is shit.

Thomas Sewell: a Corpse of a system.

What ummm an uhhh orator hmmmmm.
Elocution -2, motivation -10.

He is the bell curve meme where IQ deficient and IQ gifted both come to the same right-wing conclusions, he just doesn't know why because Sewell is the grug on the left.

You're not after debate, you are just an agent provocateur.
Why are you so enamored with Aussies? A massive percentage of your posts are shitting on Australia and Anglos then the other half misappropriated praise.

You are a worthless faggot.

5 comments block

Good job blumen4alles.

Banning contrary opinions is reddit tier and low T, with the exception of breaking site rules.