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@system I was right about everything

submitted by Barack_Obama to whatever 2.4 yearsNov 30, 2021 09:26:15 ago (+4/-10)     (whatever)

i was right about old voat, about putt, about sbbh, about cyna, dial, about the users, about whos watching us, i was right about what would happen here and whats been happening, about whos real and whos a fed, I was right about gab, i was right about poal, i was right about donald win, i was right about all the alt-forums, and i was right about all the corona shit just to throw it on the pile , I knew it was a hoax in december 2019, months before everyone else, and I knew thr government was going to shut everything down. i was right about the propaganda bots, I was right about the path rhis site would take as it grew, and you can see it, t was written, @glip_glup look at my old archives posts @hey_guys_whats_up my main account look what i was talking about when we opened

apparently im a reincarnatiom of nostradamus because apparently undertand how human retardation works gives me the ability to see the fucking future. I made calls on Bitcoin and Litecoin in 2011, I knew it was going to be big. I knew there would be a pc hardware shortage. I knew everything. Hire me to handle your stocks and Ill make you motherfucking rich.

14 comments block

i was right about the kyle and arbery cases too